All 6 Tanks WORST to BEST for Shadowlands Dungeons

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These are my rankings of how tanks perform in mythic dungeons right now in the Shadowlands beta. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:

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Keep in mind that everything is subject to change and things could be updated and re-worked at any time.

I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for healers in M+ keystones for current World of Warcraft and into the new Shadowlands expansion. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.

0:00 Intro
4:15 Prot Warrior
5:15 Guardian Druid
6:37 Blood DK
7:35 Prot Paladin
8:30 Vengeance DH


39 thoughts on “All 6 Tanks WORST to BEST for Shadowlands Dungeons”

  1. Interesting vid, really enjoyed it. I was definitely surprised to see you rank VDH so highly given how much everyone else seems to label them as middling to straight up bad. I love the class to death, but every time I've tried playing it, it just feels way too squishy outside of DS windows.

  2. Love to hear your thoughts on these new changes. Warrior base armor getting a solid buff. Prot paladin active mitigation providing significantly more armor. Brewmaster celestial brew CD doubled and effective shielding cut by 40%. Vengeance DH demonic uptime nerfed by 25%. Blood and druid mostly untouched. Looks like those are the two they want to balance around.

  3. Best video comparison I have seen so far. Definetly feels like DH is the most fun to play. If DK had more damage, it would be my pick, but having as low numbers is just a RPITA.

  4. I totally disagree with you. Guardian dudu is fucking strong in SL and DH is fucking squishy and Brewmaster is a junk dude. I don't know how the fuck did you rank these tanks but honestly your ranking is shit. Maybe rewamp them or try to test some tanks instead of playing Healer only and ranking tanks.

  5. As a dedicated Tankboi with one of every class I keep ready to go, I pick Pally, and for the exact reason he gives. The skillcap is higher but the dmg is just unstoppable, especially for a veteran tank that already understands the individual nuance.

    I will slightly disagree tho, DK is an obvious 2nd place. The control meta will be more heavily valued until powercreep closes the gap into cleave/slopcomps. For this reason also, DH slides to 4th. Casters always scale slower.

  6. Man guess the 2 tanks I like playing the most? Yeah #6 & #5.. 🙈🙈 oh my… Now I really don't want to watch the healer Rankings. Got a baaaaad feeling for my resto Shaman haha

  7. great…guardian druid going to be shit again… woohoo another expansion… what about the absorb they added ? that changes anything ? im not gonna switch ill make it work as always. but they need more love.


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