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Blood elves are not really a thing anymore as you can technically play a high elf with blue eyes despite them being an Alliance race. Furthermore high elves had been a part of the Alliance much longer than they had been a part of the Horde.
The void elves are blood elves recently exiled due to worries that they are going to corrupt the Sunwell but the Sunwell is literally going to get corrupted regardless in WoW Midnight and they may just be invited back to help fight this invasion. New night elf capital is right off the shore of Quel’Thalas and it has been confirmed to be a neutral sanctuary and all of this really makes it seem like not only are all the elves and variations are going to be turned into a neutral race but that Silvermoon is going to turn into a neutral hub as well with all the revamp hints. So are elves becoming a neutral race, what will new Silvermoon look like and are we in for a huge revamp to not only factions but character customization.
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I’m not gonna lie, it’s crazy to think that silver moon will get a revamp. That entire area really. I remember in BC making a paly. And I go back here n there sometimes just to see it. See the brooms sweeping. See the vendors with the same wares. Idk it’s just so nostalgic. Going across the bridge lol.
maybe will be like in warcraft 3, 4 factions,alliance,horde,elf and maybe the forseken
FFS i was just giving blzz props, and they pull this bullshit with just putting down the welcome mat the the horde into what is supposed to the the nightelfs new home. What little faith i had things would get better are just about gone. My question i have now, why are there no ports to any horde city's like wtf is the point of this being neutral if it's missing ports for both factions?
I really hope Silvermoon gets a whole Suramar style makeover – easily my #1 favourite city throughout the entire game. I also wish that cities (other than Stormwind and Orgrimmar) were actually used / populated again.
I love travelling to Ironforge. But it's dead.
I love visiting Silvermoon. But it's dead.
Yay – we're reclaiming Gilneas. Finally. For all of what… 1 patch? Then lemme guess…
It too will be dead 🙁
I hate wow so much imma start copy right claim any wow videos that show up in my feed now flip them and their boring as game
WTF is going on with the game, have Blizz gone crazy???
i wouldn't mind playing an undead night elf on the horde side
I'd love it if they realize their greater affiliation is Elf.
Then when we chose Elves, the options will ask us Tribe first.
Blood Elf
High Elf
Void Elf
Naja Elf (Nagas partially cleansed of Void corruption)
Night Elf
Night born
This is fucking lame.
At this point, I think anyone should be able to play with any race in any faction, 'cause factions isn't a think anymore in wow retail.
If all the races becomes neutral , than what is the point of having a title of World of Warcraft if nobody is at War ?
Need a scourge faction
Not factions, but REPUTATION with cities/races is what matters
What makes an Elf turn neutral? 🙁
I like it, it be pretty cool to get into a dungeon or raid with the opposite faction.
This is Blizzard's plan all along. They will finally give us Alliance "High Elves," which they should have done nearly two fricking decades ago.
They could have very easily given us High Elves with animations, skins, and hairdos vastly different from their Blood Elf counterparts, but NOPE.
Also, I'm not a huge Night Elf fan, and yet I already feel bad for them sucking it up and being forced to forgive and be neutral/tolerable/appreciative towards the very enemy indifferent from the Scourge when they overran Quel'Thalas.
I stopped playing WoW because I was on a trial version and couldn't level up past 20, but now you have long since given me plenty of reasons to quit MU WoW and forge my own path.
Yeah it's time to finally fix the High Elf / Blood Elf split and make them come back home, where they should have never left.
Doesn't matter. Trolls > Elves.
I was thinking around the same line as you. It looks like blizzard might have a horde and alliance but also an elven faction that is neutral and you get to choose your faction on creation
This whole peace thing is B.s. if there was really peace then you would See orc merchants selling their wares in the streets of stormwind without getting lynched. But i guess the elementary school textbook definition of peace applies here rather than what history would provide.
Absolutely not. We are already removing class identity by making them available to everyone. At least keep faction identities.
Yes there is a history of high elves being in the alliance. But it was thousands of years ago, when the elves helped the second time Garathos sent them on suicide missions and put them in prison. When the elves attempted to join the alliance, Jaina purges them from Dalaran, so that bridge is burned.
According to an article on World of Warcraft's website which discusses the issue, there is no evidence that proves that elves descendant of trolls, and the truth is unknown. Much the same is said in in-game books and in the RPG as well.
So we are just supposed to forget about the purging of Dalaran? I don’t see the blood elves being that forgiving, the alliance has f***ed them up time and time again, their relation with the night elves are tense at best, they hate the humans after their betrayal and how they were treated back in warcraft 3, they have no positive relations with any of the alliance races sabe for the Draenei. And the Horde has been nothing but kind to them (aside from the whole garrosh thing, which was bad for pretty much all non-orcs), they were very much welcomed there and have good relations with all of the Horde races. Saying they are closer to the alliance is just plain wrong, they never wanted anything to do with them, they only joined the alliance out of necessity.
Yes give us Naga❤❤❤, personally for me it doesn't matter if all elf tribes are neutral. I will still play my bloodelf and hope for a new Naga twink 😅
will garithos be blamed for his racism.
Hope not. Neutral races are lame.
Trolls are the ancestors of NE, so are they welcome to the party?
It makes sense for some group's of races to be considered neutral(mercenaries) that get to choose reputation with factions, just like the lore.
Set of Neutral/Faction Race's such as: Panda, Goblins, Dracthyr, etc… and it will be cool if they have theyre own starting zones that explains their faction lore with questlines that leads them to choose Alliance or Horde(or maybe even choose to remain neutral which leads them to just be friendly to neutral cities. For PvP theyll be the fillers for both Alliance and Horde to help the lack of players on either side).
Don't fucking do this. Neutral elf cities neutral. Everyone will be faction?-fluid. Gay. Don't do it. Getting too far away from the origins. So trolls are suddenly nuetral then also? Bs
So hear me out. If this happens, if i play a void elf. would I be able to faction change to horde? Maybe even a quest chain to do so?
Hell, at this point just make it so you can be watever race you want. But in the character creater choose your faction. And then the story of your version of that race inside that faction is what story you play through
If the "elven customization screen" thing happens…. what'll happen to the Racial abilities like Cantrip or Shadowmeld?