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Thank YOU for an amazing year in Azeroth! Enjoy this recap of 2024, and we’ll see you for tons more Warcraft in 2025!
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Se han olvidado añadir, no mas traducciones al español.
Classic + when
🥹💜 what an insane year 🎉🎉🎉
Only Retail ❤
Boring expansion
Another 20 years pls 🙂
Nothing from the end of Dragonflight? That was this year too.
Well… the next 20 years are not looking good.
Loving this. WoW always giving great memorys. Since years. And there is so much more to come – for sure <3
Ayo, the Event for the Bis Gems for your new cool Ring is still bugged. Anyone working on that or do we get another montage?
¿Por qué habéis arruinado el juego en España?
This year you also neglected the spanish-speaking community
No love for MOP Remix? That was personally my highlight. Do Legion or WoD next!!
No, thank you!
Literally the worst years of wow.
Let's be honest: that Darnassus bonfire was the best moment of all 20 years
Yet still, no BlizzCon 😭
We're in the Golden Era of Warcraft!
good lord
Fix Bots.
Fix Shuddering Hollow
0:07 even Blizzard is making fun of all the suckers that bought that shirt
Sadly, siren isle happened too
Market team said lets put a bunch of streamers who are playing classic hardcore for the meme cash!!
also the best part… Pandaria Remix Bring on more Remixes!
love it
Awh this was great
Another year of retail survived till we got classic back❤
Love this world
Where is the Brutosaurus in the video, hypocrites?
Please don't mess up housing, we've been waiting so long.
Lets Go for the next 20 years!!!🎉❤
Siren isle still buged!
Warcraft 2025
why no numbers like every other /played video?
Que raro, no veo la parte en la que se decidió quitar todo un doblaje importante porque: Patata (Es por dinero , la empresa indie).
Wow rocked this year.