All World of Warcraft Classical Musics

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You’ll find all the classic WoW games, from Vanilla to Dragonflight.

This compilation will be expanded with music from upcoming expansions, via this video if possible or another.

I’ve had to make some choices, so it’s possible that some music is missing. I’ll try to add it if you let me know!

©Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


3 thoughts on “All World of Warcraft Classical Musics”

  1. Vanilla 00:00:00

    A call to Arms 00:00:00

    The Shaping of the World 00:02:16

    Song of Elune 00:04:40

    Legends of Azeroth 00:06:51

    Stormwind 00:09:31

    Orgrimmar 00:14:01

    Alliance Tavern 00:15:48

    Temple of the Moon 00:17:27

    The Barrens 00:21:18

    Cursed Land 00:24:24

    Evil Forest 00:26:16

    Forest 00:27:26

    Jungle 00:30:40

    Moutain 00:33:53

    Plains 00:38:21

    Volcanic 00:40:32

    Angelic 00:43:12

    Haunted 00:44:00

    Magic Moment 00:45:03

    Gnomeregan 00:46:07

    Ahn'Qiraj 00:48:16

    Naxxramas 00:51:48

    Burning Crusade 00:54:24

    Log-in Screen 00:54:24

    Azuremyst 00:58:11

    Eversong 01:03:20

    Battle for Mount Hyjal 01:08:42

    Black Temple / Illidan 01:10:39

    Caverns of Time 01:15:24

    Karazhan 01:20:50

    Kil'Jaeden 01:22:13

    Zul'Aman 01:23:50

    Hellfire Peninsula 01:26:56

    Nagrand 01:29:24

    Shadowmoon Valley 01:31:50

    Lament of the Highborne 01:34:35

    Wrath of the Lich King 1:37:27

    Log-in Screen 01:37:27

    Invincible 01:39:29

    Arthas, my son 01:42:40

    Howling Fjord 01:45:53

    Grizzly Hills 01:49:10

    Zul'Drak 01:52:49

    Ulduar 01:54:27

    Icecrown 01:57:12

    Crystalsong Forest 01:59:08

    Dalaran 02:01:01

    Dragonblight 02:02:09

    Wintergrasp 02:02:55

    The Garden of Life 02:04:03

    Coldarra 02:07:31

    The Culling of Stratholme 02:09:37

    Forged in Blood 02:12:24

    Argent Tournament 02:17:29

    Icecrown Citadel 02:20:14

    Cataclysm 02:23:08

    Log-in Screen 02:23:08

    Xaxas 02:24:11

    Nightsong 02:26:27

    Nordrassil 02:29:05

    Hyjal 02:31:01

    Guardians of Hyjal 02:32:18

    Goblin 02:34:28

    Gilneas 02:36:45

    Arathi Highlands 02:39:59

    Twilight Highlands 02:41:59

    Vashj'ir 02:43:04

    Western Plaguelands 02:45:59

    The Land will Weep 02:46:47

    Deathwing Last Stand 02:48:26

    Mists of Pandaria 02:49:24

    Log-in Screen 02:49:24

    Why do we fight ? 02:50:48

    Homeland 02:54:32

    Shen-zin Su 02:56:17

    Pandaren 02:57:54

    Jade Forest 02:58:49

    Vale of Eternal Blossom 03:02:04

    Townlong Steppes 03:03:13

    Way of the Monk 03:06:22

    Hozen 03:12:00

    Jinyu 03:15:01

    Sha 03:16:44

    The August Celestials 03:19:39

    A Toast ! 03:21:43

    Serpent Riders 03:24:03

    Warlords of Draenor 03:26:34

    Log-in Screen / A siege of Worlds 03:26:34

    Times Change 03:28:57

    Khadgar's plan 03:33:17

    The Homeworld Beckons 03:35:42

    Malach 03:38:55

    Allegiances 03:41:02

    Visions of the prophet 03:46:25

    Grommash 03:49:44

    Old Growth 03:52:31

    Family 03:57:09

    Spires of Arak 03:59:39

    Gorgrond 04:02:17

    Plight of the Ogres 04:07:23

    Legion 04:10:20

    Log-in Screen 04:10:20

    Azeroth's Last Hope 04:11:25

    Canticle of Sacrifice 04:15:11

    A World Divided 04:19:25

    Demon Hunter 04:22:27

    Suramar 04:28:37

    Azsuna 04:31:20

    Highmountain 04:34:00

    Stormheim 04:37:23

    Preserver 04:40:37

    Sanctum of Light 04:44:39

    Eredath 04:46:43

    Seat of the Pantheon 04:49:46

    Silithus Wound Point 04:52:00

    Lightforged Draenei 04:56:30

    Battle for Azeroth 04:58:11

    Log-in Screen 04:58:11

    What make us Strong 04:59:22

    Time of Tide 05:03:40

    The Grand Bazaar 05:05:11

    Power of Blood 05:07:27

    Crucible of Storms 05:11:03

    Winds of Vol'dun 05:15:10

    Drustvar 05:17:35

    Warfront Arath Basin Alliance 05:20:20

    Battle for Lordaeron 05:23:03

    Forsaken Flame 05:24:48

    Night Warrior 05:27:14

    Battle for Dazar'alor 05:29:25

    Nazjatar 05:3146

    Operation : Mechagon 05:34:32

    Eternal Palace 05:37:36

    Wrathion 05:39:29

    Bolvar 05:40:39

    Shadowlands 05:42:35

    Log-in Screen 05:42:35

    The King and the Queen 05:44:29

    New Player Experience Human 05:49:45

    Nocturne Melancholy 05:52:01

    Aspirants Journey 05:54:01

    Mueh'Zala 05:56:44

    Caslte Nathria 05:58:56

    Sylvanas Free Will 06:00:02

    the Dreamer 06:02:19

    Uther 06:05:15

    Sanctum of Domination 06:07:59

    Korthia 06:09:26

    Tazavesh 06:11:58

    Venthir 06:13:54

    First Ones 06:15:07

    Cosmic Battle Sepulcher 06:17:17

    Anduin Battle 06:19:09

    Dragonflight 06:21:50

    Log-in Screen 06:21:50

    Announcement Cinematic 06:23:18

    Windsong 06:28:19

    Giant of the Span 06:30:26

    Brackenhide 06:34:45

    Tyrhold / Uldorus 06:38:41

    Life Pools 06:40:42

    Djaradin 06:46:29

    Forbidden Reach 06:48:38

    Neltharion 06:52:29

    Chronology 06:55:35

    Iridikron 06:57:58

    Amirdrassil 06:59:28

    Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope – Nature 07:02:38

    Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope – Fire 07:05:16

    War Within 07:07:02

    To be Actualised… 07:07:02


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