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everyone at the top of the logs isn't using Felblade/Demon Blades. I tried it and I think FB/DB w/o Momentum doesn't work. it feels fury starved w/o the 80 coming from Vengeful Retreat. But you can still use the normal Momentum build and drop Essence Break for Firstblood with Dancing with Fate. it sims very closely to Essence Break but is way more forgiving and you can use Blade Dance
Honestly a build has to be REALLY good to get me to consider playing without Demon Blades/Felblade. Spamming Demon’s Bite just feels so slow now. So this sounds good, I’ll try it out.
Very glad BD is back, thanks for the great video!
Can you run this with venthyr too? I just swapped, leveling my renown still
What about combining that build with chaos theory?
Title says it all. Thanks Jed.
i like vid ofc but more than i love you mate great ♥️
Thanks for this guide. It feels good to be able to use blade dance again.
When is "First strike actually popping"? Like only at the start of a fight or also between? Awesome Video btw. For example – when will it trigger fighting Painsmith.
This build feels the most comfortable, It feels good to pop eye beam and be a DEMON again. Momentum was fun but meta form is what Havoc is all about <3
Great video, thanks for the info! One question, sorry if you mentioned but my english comprehension is not the best and mybe i missed it. Do you keep using Blade Dance/Death sweep just with 3 or more targets? or even in ST? Thanks!
Hi Jed what is the legendary gear you are using for this talents please? Thx
Havoc has a very large selection of builds legends, 9.1.5 gave even more 2 builds First Blood with conduit and Venthyr with legendary. I like it very much i wonder what will happen next in 9.2.
what is the best way to spread burning wound ?
You start of by saying, the build should be used in M+ with burning wound (because we don't benefit from shard bonus/winds) and then you show people using the build in Raid…?
Would eye beam leggo and frost build still be better in raids?
Why hold off blade dance? When u meta with eye beam the cd on blade dance resets, u can do 2 blade dance back to back
Amazing video as always mate! As a Havoc DH main I use this build primarily for PvP w/ Chaos Theory Leggo and it’s very powerful overall! Happy to see it shine in PvE as well : D
I sim higher with trial of ruin instead of unbound chaos though… It's weird
Which legendary should i use on this build ?
What is the main stat for Havoc ?
I like how you pronounce jedith <3