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Waiting for someone to comment how many times i used combustion.
BUISNESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]
#WoW #Shadowlands #PvP
Hey Para! I'll leave you for a bit and I'll continue watching your videos and will be back in a month. I need you to level up for my next request and thank you once more!
I don't know why you ice block with 20% health, you could have just waited for cauterize, and then ice blocked and kept all that healing.
What’s para main though
Whats ur gaming setup
"You're at 59 bracket it will get better at 60"
Gets blasted for 70% of hp by a giant flaming rock and laser chickens
You know DH isn't that bad… cries in demon hunter ='<
I just can't play any other race for Mage other than Troll. That racial is just way too broken and overpowered to give up😁
Them: Hey para what's your main?
Para: Expansion just launched, we don't do that here.
I leveled a fire mage a few weeks ago… At lvl 57 I global'd a lvl 60 monk…
I lvled a sub rogue it globals anyone under 35k hp…
I lvled a warlock… I don't play warlock..
I am currently leveling a priest pally and hunter…
Played wow from 2005-2009
Just restarted a month or 6 weeks ago..
I miss wrathLK
I don't like how few character choices there are now… But the biggest thing is how half of abilities are different in pvp and pve… Like it's 2 whole different classes depending on ….
Maybe if they just balanced the classes properly…
Example shroud. Can't be used in rated pvp. Just get 5rid of it… Carrot does x dmg but y dmg to players…. Just balance the dammed game…
I'm not sure if you've had this for a while and I just missed it, but thanks for installing the addon that shows what skills you're pressing! Idk why more content creators aren't using it. They should consider it mandatory imo. You a real one Para
dh now please
You have the Flame cannon talent, PLEASE STOP strafing back and forth and let it work! Why must you move constantly? Or switch that talent out.
hello! a question how do you level up your characters with the story or just rbg????? nice vid
Where did the mage touch you??
Not a single complaint about nurf
ever think about uploading rated bg's?
Decimate in a global and a half ; yet no 1 here says OP; nevertheless nerfs incoming !