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More World of Warcraft Pet Battle PVP! Fragment of Anger Pops off with Spiritfire Beam! Whats your favorite way to use this Pet in competitive battles? What battle pets do you think need a buff going into the Dragonflight Expansion? Do you think any pets need a nerf? Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts!
Todays Team: Anger!
Fragment of Anger H/P
Anomalus P/P
Wayward Spirit P/P
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Good grief; triple Sandling? 😐 Talk about exploiting the weather meta right now, lol. Two slows, big hit from Sandstorm, being elementals not impacted by the reduced hit or damage mit, and the damage mitigation for you? Oof.
As for the Garnetgullet, I can understand them not wanting to use Feral Strike (which damages to them as well), but they could have grabbed an Anxious Nibbler and they would have had a better shot against your Undead. I like to use the Anxious Nibbler for the team damage + slow (Primal Cry), extra damage when faster (Scrabble), and Dust Cloud. And for the Timid Leporid? Oh, my gosh. If they'd farmed up an S/S (357 speed) and slotted Dodge instead of Tranquility they might have gotten two hits in a full ability cycle. Dodge > Trenchant Claws > Burrow > Trenchant Claws > Repeat
Great videos, really enjoying them
The pets on this always look so interesting!