Shadowlands Ranged DPS Tournament Tier List

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Shadowlands Ranged DPS Tournament Tier List


45 thoughts on “Shadowlands Ranged DPS Tournament Tier List”

  1. I agree with all the vids this week so far. But your down play of boomies is gross. They are deff on same level as fire mage. Off healz,cyclone, spread pressure (convoke can drop a whole team) roots ect ect. I play rshammy, and i dont like seeing either.

    Cdews team was watching boomie so hard that the mage scored a kill. thats how much pressure a boomie brings. I think aff lock can go up to A as well. And i think a well played MM can also content with A tier.

    Mages and boomies should deff sit atop thou. And spriest not far behind.

  2. Forum babies made MM hunter feel wack now. Compared to like a Fire Mage they had comparable burst, but MM doesn't have the control of FM and nowhere near the defensive capability aside from a high CD turtle

  3. Putting boomie before Shadow sure ain't being bias towards boomie. Boomie is great for sure, but better than Shadow? Not many would agree with that.

    Fire being only S Tier is obvious as it's so much better than anything else (like sub was in start of SL). Kinda like in healers Holy Pala is only S tier.

  4. Triune ward needs to go. Their damage is insane but triune Ward transforms fire mage from a glass cannon to an unkillable god class that simultaneously has the best caster survivability, best cc/control AND the highest burst. It’s stupid AF.

  5. Nerf every caster so meelees can zug zug freely 🙂
    If any melee has uptime on you you die in 2 seconds, their burst windows are ~ 20 seconds .
    The state of melee has brought the state of casters, when you are unable to cast of course instant casts will be meta.
    You are crying about a class that literally everything it does is purgable, there are 5 thousand ways to stop it by using 1 defensive. While being one of the hardest classes in the game.
    Mage is a strong class yes. Buffing other classes is the correct way to solve this, we want classes to feel strong.
    This is how you bring mist of pandaria back, not by nerfing anything that feels good.

  6. Personally I can't stand playing a fire mage, leveled mine up and geared it a bit but arenas just feel awful on it.. I was always the target of the zug-zug melee cleaves that left me unable to cast anything and were just dpsing me for like 70% of combust's potential non stop, basically one shotting all 3 shields every time I used blazing barrier. Combustion is also the easiest spell in game to counter with half the classes being able to just instantly dispel it and then you are useless until it pops back up. Definitely the hardest spec I've ever played and yeah I'm not a glad so respect to people that make it work, it's a completely different game than being a melee monkey.

  7. Honestly the only thing keep SHadow priests from being top TR is the fact that 1 interupt is basically a FULL cc without DR.
    And pretty much the same thing happens with warlocks i suppose.
    Interupt hurts them WAYYY too much.
    While it's not the case for mage.. even if u interupt arcane or fire or frost, he can do something else.
    For those classes its just Shadow and nothing else.

  8. How is mage damage guaranteed? Just silence/cc or steal that shit? And after that, the sustained damage outside of combustion is not that good.. destruction warlocks eat them after combustion.
    / and you are talking about predictable damage. fier mages literly starts to burn during combustion. Nice vid but I don't agree

  9. Hey Supatease, great job casting as always. Been playing hunter since Vanilla (only class I play really). Watching the jungle team just get shut down by the other team just constantly killing the hunters pet. Then watching the hunter have to turtle to get a rez on his pet just made me cry. Do you think changing pet rez from 2 sec to 4 sec was correct?

  10. frost is only c tier when comparing it to fire. if you compare it to all other specs in the game its A tier simply because it can play RMX. Affliction should be C tier. MM is better. better dmg. actual kill potential. cant be interrupted. better defensively because of feign legendary.

  11. How would y'all feel about class bans for the tourny like they do In owl? Just a question idk if I'm for it against but just think about it for a second ik this means teams would be based around multicasting but then we can push for tourny realm ques


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