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Today is the big day! Fury Warrior got yet another buff today after the original 5% which everyone could tell you “wasn’t enough”! Now totaling 13% from when Shadowlands originally came out are fury warriors good in shadowlands now? Are they in a good position or will they need more buffs? Welp, only time will tell. From my initial experience I can already feel much stronger and I’m excited to explore more of what fury can accomplish. If you wanna see more WOW content and Warrior gameplay be sure to Subscribe.
Very happy 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️
Yooo my guy! I finally found you again! You gonna be playing tbc classic??
4k aint that good, you going to see a boomi or a hunt doing 11, 12k.
So in your opinion is arms still better or has fury surpassed it now.
If the fact that Warriors can also tank and not just DPS means that their damage should be lower than DPS classes that don't have any role other than damage to fulfill, then that means that Warriors should be doing more damage than Shadow Priests because Warriors have two DPS specs and Shadow Priests only have one.
On the last 21 dungeons I’ve done I got 9 one-hander and 1 two-hander. So I switched dropp spec to arms cuz I realy wanna try out Titans grip soon
Why should warrior be beat by any other dps spec? Just because warrior is natively a tank? That is only 1 of its 3 specs. Makes no sense. No reason they should have a lower dps.
sims were done and Fury does 100 more dps than Arms if both equally geared
Drop rampage to 75(80) fury and off hand to 75% dmg (50%) and crits give double rage like arms.
Where are all these weapons dropping? I'm arms using ilvl 184 weapon despite everything else being 200 or above…
I'm ecstatic about these buffs tbh. I'm a 206 Fury Warrior that unfortunately chose to be a necrolord. So these buffs really help to compensate for the poor covenant choice
I've got multiple single handed weapons when looting as fury before. Never understood why, thought it was bug
Enrage 3 sec more
Pure dps classes should always do more damage than hybrids? Oof that's one bad take.
i got so many 1h weapons the frist couple of weeks that i ended up stting the loot spec to Arms for the rest of the expansion….
Yo…to answer your quest I got a 200 item left 1h weapon in wake the haste Vers you do get 1 hand weapons they just take time like the 2n from mist for me
It sucks I dropped Fury since it was always my main. Even with the buff, it's no where near viable. Coupled with the fact that Fury brings almost zero utility to M+ or raiding, there's nothing about the spec that stands out.
It does better then arms by around 100dps with the same gear, however. this isn't taking into account how much better execute phase is in arms then fury, which is exactly why they will be taken in higher levels of play over fury. Also, these buffs for both are so dumb, both of the class designs are dumb and they don't know how to fix it, its just bandaid % buff to hold of on a redesign. personally, the haste nerf on enrage never should of happened. that was the biggest issue, they slowed the spec down and the damage along with it.
I play on rage with one-handed weapons and get them from drops from the boss. I guess the drops depends on what weapon you use
Wait theres weapon drops in dungeons? I only get 35 Anima
The answer is no.
Warriors always get stronger with gear/progression, why are people worried that they suck at start of expac? Its always been like this
Just got a one handed mace out of a +7 SD today on my last run of the night as Fury 😀
I dont get the single minded fury, why would anybody want that? Fury is the only spec that can hold 2 two handed weapons, its like as a feral druid I dont want to turn into a cat, I want to fight with daggers like rogues…
Looks like I'm going back to my baby fury