Ascended || WoW Shadowlands Let's Play – Part 9

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Join me in playing through the World of Warcraft Shadowlands expansion. We’ll be playing multiple characters and experiencing as much as this expansion has to offer as possible! See you in the Shadowlands!


Recording Software: OBS
Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020, Photoshop Pro CC
Microphone: USB Condenser Microphone


4 thoughts on “Ascended || WoW Shadowlands Let's Play – Part 9”

  1. 10-12 hours to reach max level on average. I recall that time was once the world record for reaching max level in Cataclysm. It took one player using like 5-10 other players to constantly tag mobs on a beach in Northrend. He also loaded up on quests and waited to turn them in until launch.

    What do you think of this faster pace of reaching max level?

  2. I can see the questline affected you towards the end. Cleansing a person's memories seems harsh. Maybe there's a greater good here (at least in the eyes of the Jim Jones leader of their cult)?

  3. It's nice watching your WoW content,I myself don't own it and don't have the funds to own it,soo my only mmo is FF,soo watching you play this game is like a nice unique experience as a watcher,cause I don't understand anything at all 😂


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