Why You SHOULDN'T Come Back For 9.0.5 (And Why You Should)

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands’ first patch arrives! 9.0.5 brings the new Valor system, changes to Mythic+ keystones, new class tuning, covenant balanance and legendary changes, as well as a whole host of quality of life changes too.. all paving the way for 9.1 Chains of Domination hopefully appearing on the PTR soon. But with no new quests, raid, or story, why SHOULDN’T you come back for patch 9.0.5?

+++ Wowhead Articles +++

Valor Points Costs to Upgrade Mythic+ Gear in Shadowlands:

Timing a Keystone in Patch 9.0.5 Will Now Award Mythic+ Keystone of Same Level:

SuperData Report – Shadowlands Numbers Stabilizing as Expansion Honeymoon Phase Ends:

Shadowlands Patch 9.0.5 Releases March 9th (NA) / March 10th (EU):

+++ Taliesin & Evitel +++
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T&E Merchandise: https://taliesin-evitel.creator-spring.com/

Theme Music by Jay the Bard: @Jaythebard


45 thoughts on “Why You SHOULDN'T Come Back For 9.0.5 (And Why You Should)”

  1. The art is beautiful but the lack of content and limiting us to instances and slow progression + cheating for horde in all BGs now = killing the game

    They show their total disregard for their players. They give us these condescending small and trivial items… just to do the same thing over and over and over again…

    What’s fun about that? Its like a job but not even real…

  2. I don’t know why people are complaining, I’m having a lot of fun this expansion and blizzard is doing a great job at fixing the major loot problems. They’ve even now removed the 1,500 valor cap. The video should be edited to show the update.

  3. Who are these ghost like people that voted for that darn mail box blocking, flight path parking, npc covering, tree!? No one voted for that thing. o well, free mount is a free mount I guess. The valor points sound lackluster and not worth it, most people out gear 200-207 by now as it is so whats the point, let alone the extreme lack of gear drops lol.

  4. The mythic+ "community" is terrible! It's like a clique of high school girls who have synchronized if you know what I mean. It sucks that blizzard tailors the game to some of the worst players.

  5. I don't think this Valor system really changes a lot… It's a pretty empty patch.

    For starters, the upgrades you can get are pretty meaningless for me as a heroic raider. I'd have to get all M+ times at 15 before it starts getting useful and that is pretty much harder than what heroic raiding is essentially. I'm also in a similar boat to a lot of people.. I just did one single M+ every week for that chest and then could not be arsed anymore… and many of those runs got completed, but not timed necessarily.

    So yeah, this is pretty much dead content. Especially since we already killed hc Denatrius, so I'm not that fussed about getting more gear (I'm at 217 on the main)… And this just seems like a fuckton of work for very little rewards at this stage of the 9.0 content cycle.

  6. Alright Tali, you need to get all of your guild mates the tree mount so that you can all roll up to the Sylvanas raid fight next patch with nothing but trees for her to burn- I mean, for the vengeance of Tedressil

  7. Arizona is the best state because we have so few Former-Coast and Former-City trash here. Arizona, a real 21st century state where we have everything the city states do, only without the woke back mountaineers.

  8. The delayed launch and terrible Beta had nothing to do with shadowlands losing almost half the of player base. Right Taliesin. We should give blizz a hearty thanks. Bravo a job well done eh?

  9. I'll tell you why to stop playing all together and that's the lack of loot. I've played through three weeks of heroic raids and received ONE upgradable piece of gear. Experience sure, but with the lack of gear = Less motivation to continue. What's the point if you can't even progress to a harder level of difficulty if your gear remains the same. Counting down the time on my subscription.

  10. It’s like these content creators are doing drugs and sleeping in the garage to stay warm eating cans of beans because this game just ain’t providing anything for them to bring in new subs. Enjoy being unemployed lmfao

  11. nope I actually deleted all wow stuff of my pc back in Jan, haven't played a minute of shadowland and my sub doesn't run out until may, and it sounds like I haven't missed anything.

  12. This patch gives me no joy. I log in solely for my raid night. I am tired of the emphasis Blizzard keeps putting on content like M+, I personally do not enjoy them, never have, never will. But also the lack of other reliable ways of getting soul ash is insane, Thorghast is a chore.

  13. The same valor currency better be used to upgrade 9.1 M+ dungeon gear
    Or better yet we can wear our 9.0.5 piece and upgrade those instead with the same valor currency


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