Asmongold SHADOWLANDS DUNGEON First Attempt – Insane Difficulty – Wipes On Trash Mobs!

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Asmongold First WoW SHADOWLANDS DUNGEON Attempt (not entire dungeon) – Insane Difficulty – Wipes On Trash Mobs! – The Necrotic Wake


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39 thoughts on “Asmongold SHADOWLANDS DUNGEON First Attempt – Insane Difficulty – Wipes On Trash Mobs!”

  1. They should have your character say, “I don’t think we should go that way” when you try to walk off cliffs and stuff. To give a little bit of character to the fact you are just hard stopped at cliffs/edges.

  2. i dont understard the squish… like you play, and lets say you got 600 ilvl at the max cap of that xp, and i dont know lvl 110, (random numbers), i'm one guy who's like " damn i wonder if in the next xp i could solo this with 800ilvl" or "10 mil critical on this big ass spell, i wonder what's that like with double the intell i have rn", i dont know, seems kinda simple to not squish, the devs have to use more math obv, but it will be more fun for progression imo. like i expected Shadowlands to be some lvl 150 stuff with 4 digits ilvl and having 10mil hp and stuff. dont know

  3. "Creating a frustrating situation that comes from nowhere": corruption side effects anyone? For that one time I randomly get a Twilight Devastation at the end of a pull (of course), I systematically get rooted, damaged, pursued and then damaged again ten times… THANK GOD that's over…

  4. I want harder dungeons, I remember when they stat squished in wod or whatever it was and it made cata dungeons at least near impossible.. I fucking loved having to cc and watch out for mechanics. What I don't like however is being tested on time. Mythic+ is great fun but having to race the time is a nightmare to me

  5. "That was easy" Says the person who literally lives in this game, spends more time in wow than he does sleeping and has played at a high level before. I would hope so that it would be easy for someone like him else the game would be a retarded design failure. The game shouldn't be 'casual' friendly but it also shouldn't be 'elitist' only it needs to strike a balance between the two for the majority of content with components of content to each side of that spectrum. So yes this should absolutely be easy to this guy.

    Think about those who work full time and only get to put in 3 hours or so each night if that. They have 0% chance at beating content designed to make people who play 10+ hours a day struggle.

  6. This is typical in every expansion, it will still be the case even when the game goes like. Dungeons will be over tuned scaling won’t be right classes will be under geared. No one will run an instance one wipe and your group will bail and go back to question. Pretty sure that’s mostly do to MYTHIC +. Instances have been made irrelevant to cater once again to a smaller portion of the overal community. That just want to farm mythic + and not raid. Instead of rng gear boxes or catch up gear. Put back epics gear into heroics to give it a sense of purpose. Say heroic blue is 55iv make the epic 60-65iv something simple


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