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Read more about World of Warcraft ➜
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So get this, i just downloaded the game and i use to play warcraft 3
Silver Moon and fresh character model and transmog texture update would make me happy since end game is all bout looking good
New dog models?
Would be nice to finally get some staff casting animations
I think in one of the dev interviews they said some older zones will be getting a tune up, not a full revamp (cata style) but just updating the visuals here and there.
This didnot aged well
I wonder if they'll do a time adjusted area for Silvermoon/Ghostlands, keeping it as it's for lower level adventuring, then a new phased area when you hit level 70, to reflect the Blood Elves had control over their lands, have the undead defeated/contained, and have rebuilt since the Sunwell was destroyed
Wow died after MoP lol
I'm guessing they are shooting to revamp the world over the course of the world tree saga
Let me transmog gloves separately. I want to make it so i have a completely armored shield arm but a free and mobile weapon arm. Also, do it Blizz, burn it all to the ground.
Give me housing, just keep most of the utilities to a minimum so theres still reason to leave the house. Mke it instanced like ESO so we dont have to kill a person to get a house. Make a place where we can collect our achivements as furniture. Maybe craft some. Give us reasons to go back to some old places for housing things. Make me love the world you made again.
The Exodar is still a category IV OSHA hazard fourteen years later
It still looks old
I feel like they are definitely prepping for a revamp of the areas they said would be important in the next expansions, but I think it would be nice to have a “current day” dynamic main world where we can go around and see everything updated to where it is in canon. Probably not a full questing experience because that would be insane to keep current, but just being able to see all of Azeroth as it currently is along with some mini games or small story quests to incentivize people to explore it would be amazing for the game I feel
The lighting effect is called bloom.
Game looks like a childs pixar movie now. Way to cartoony and soft af.
Me watching the red and yellow line race
They need to remake Azeroth. It’s still stuck in Cataclysm and basically ignored.
For all it's wealth and monopoly, blizzard will forever refuse to update anything old world related
Yeah maybe they revamp the sub model
Revamp of Blizzard needed 😂😂
I hate the revamp they did in WoD and prob will hate this one aswell. To me the feeling WoW gives me in classic is a lot due to the graphics and seeing 5 sec of gameplay of retail makes my skin crawl because it looks like i'm watching a trailer for Clash of Clans
Ive enjoyed the Paladin and Druid changes, but i still need to make a Shaman. Boomy will hopefully be good but Ele Shaman could be sick.
Am I the only one that doesn’t like the new style of how things look in modern wow? Looks way too cartoonish and childish
Tbh ill come back for a world revamp, even if its just for a bit.
I really hope they just do a cataclysm 2.0
I wish they would make more of the world zones, capital cities, and exploration relevant again, it feels like 99% of players are all concentrated in just the newest spot and everything else is dead, no longer about adventures around the world. It would be really cool if there were unique incentives to travel around the world.
And there is ascension, everything wow ever should be
Nooo, as soon as they make any change , they will turn it into a shop and ruin it
I feel orgrimmar needs to be upgraded bigger better more spikes
New player models update ???
Would be about fucking time, the world hasent changed since cataclysm and its bugging me like crazy….
Graphics doesn't matter when the game is absolute crap.
I noticed there's a ton of😢cats on sunstrider isle when I was doing a new blood elf