Azshara RETURNS In World of Warcraft Midnight Redemption Arc – Samiccus Discusses & Reacts

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14 thoughts on “Azshara RETURNS In World of Warcraft Midnight Redemption Arc – Samiccus Discusses & Reacts”

  1. I think that whole theory on Aerator being the child of light and void is BS he is not of the void because Elyria did not become a void being until after he was born I pitched this to somebody else because they believe in this theory, but I said when a mother gives birth to a child and after the child is born, she contracts HIV that does not give the child HIV because they were born before she contracted it so he is only a child of light if that

  2. Honestly, Azshara was always selfish, arrogant, vain-glorious, power-hungry and willing to do just about everything to get her way. She demonstrated all of those traits long before Sargeras made contact with Xavius. Whereas Illidan only ever wanted power in order to, as he put it, "stop an unstoppable evil", Azshara only ever sought power for power's sake. She's basically the night elf version of Gul'dan. In the old lore, Blizzard even described her transformation into a naga as her body becoming a physical representation of the "hatred and malice that had always lurked within her heart." So there wasn't really any fall from grace on her part because there was, well, no grace to begin with. Transferred into Star Wars her equivalent wouldn't be Darth Vader. It would be Palpatine, right down to her claiming a position of power, creating an empire, betraying her master and becoming deformed.

    As for the child of Shadow and Light idea, it is noteworthy that not only was Azshara not born of the Void (but only corrupted by it well into her adulthood), Elune is also a member of the Pantheon of Life (not Light) and so, short of some massive retcon, it would make little sense for Azshara to be "of the Light". Elune's cycle is also not that of Light and Void, but Life and Death as seen through her relationship with the Winter Queen. And finally the child of Shadow and Light prophecy was centered around defeating the Burning Legion, with the child being destined to "bring an end to the age of demons" and from what we know Midnight is centered around the Void.

    I do like the idea of the parable of the blue moon potentially saying something about a character though. But if anything, I think it's more likely that the story is alluding to Tyrande and the journey she's been on (Teldrassil burning, her losing faith, but eventually choosing renewal over vengeance and coming back to Elune for a reward and so on). Anyway, the analysis is interesting, but it's also a bit of stretch, downplaying a lot of Azshara's personality traits and misrepresenting some of the more cosmic lore in order to turn her into a hero. But, of course, given Blizzard's recent penchant for not killing off but redeeming female characters (Jaina, Tyrande, Sylvanas, Vyranoth), I could very well see something like this happening. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if both Azshara and Xal'atath are redeemed over the course of the World Soul saga. After all they're both strong female characters with independent streaks and fierce wills… in today's climate, how could they NOT be the heroes?

  3. I hope we will get Azsharas head on a spike, as it getting tiersome to see another female character gets redeption arc when male character for the same crimes or even less gets butchered no questions ask

  4. Gul’Dan returns 10 years from now. The next one isn’t out yet you’re already talking about the one after that. Can we stop consuming things that aren’t even out yet 😢

  5. FUCK. THAT. Azshara does not need a fucking redemption arch. She is evil, always has and SHOULD always be. I swear if blizz ruins her character for some shitty redemption I will lose all faith in the writing team


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