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Here are my thoughts on what seems to be the best performing spec currently.
#Demonology #Warlock #Shadowlands
0:00 – Intro
0:34 – Talents
1:47 – Log Review
9:25 – Rotation with Horned Nightmare
12:45 – Rotation with Wilfred’s
18:44 – Outro
Just a copy paste of the nightfae soul bind ability for those who wanted to know why it’s so good for demo
Healing or dealing damage has a chance to grant you a stack of Redirected Anima. Redirected Anima increases your maximum health by 1% and your Mastery by 25 for 30 sec, and stacks overlap.
Activating your Night Fae class ability grants you 8 stacks of Redirected Anima.
So demon synergy legendary is not worth crafting?
I didn’t even think about the Night Fae passive powering tf out of the Tyrant with the HP buff. Very interesting, I may have to give this a try.
Best demo warlock content keep it up man🔥
I would love to see the damage and your thoughts on the Implosion Legendary, I really like it even for single target, the haste helps so much, but totally understand if it isn't the best 🙂
I'm having lots of fun with demonology in SL.. hated the explosive potential play style in BFA
I’m clearly not catching the reason for it…what’s the point of buffing your HP so high as part of the opener?
Thank you for this video helps alot i think i will be sticking with Horned Nightmare as my lego it seems to be the best Lego for me and playstyle keep up the good work
i tried this trincket setup, but i have trouble to make the crit proc on the uptime of my tyrant because the soul is really slow. i fell like its good only on the boss where you can be in melée range (or using it for ourself and not for the tyrant) im courious what you thinking about it once you drop it. (sorry for the bad english)
please don't go Nightfae, every warlock I see is nightfae and you aren't 🙏 it inspires me to stick w necrolord cus im not gonna be a fae lock 🤮