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What are going to be these features that will blow our socks off in WoW:Midnight?
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Player housing but not like garrisons but an actual game changing feature, playble forest trolls, revamp, possibly new types of order halls or massive changes to factions and customizations. These are just some of the features that we could be seeing in WoW Midnight.
When asked whether they already gave us all the hype with the world soul saga announcement and if there is anything left for the remaining 2 expansions Blizzard said that WoW Midnight will have the craziest features that will as they said blow the players socks off. Seeing how many crazy things they already gave us that no one saw coming and if we take their word for it, what could be these crazy features we could be seeing in WoW: Midnight.
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What do you think these features are that will 'blow our socks off' in Midnight? Also I'd like to thank for making this video possible, click this link and use my code DORONSMOVIES to get 25% off your first payment for That’s 25% your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose
I don't want those damn fat walruses as a playable race. That's the stupidest thing ever, except for the ogres . And having a playable race that can't even wear half of the armor doesn't make any sense either
Also they already have a dance studio at the Darkmoon faire. So we don't really need one in the game
I would say if we're going to do player housing still make it phased but I'll be able to have people join you because it wouldn't make much sense to be able to only claim one tiny little piece of land or to go into a Zone and then you walk into it and it normally it's filled with monsters but then all of a sudden it's filled with so many houses you can't even walk around it. As well as frankly if Skyrim can do it to where you can have several different houses in little zones and several cities as a player, you should be able to do it in World of Warcraft which makes a hell of a lot more money than Bethesda ever did
How about trolls get beards. I would settle for that.
This dude trying to get people to download illegal software so they can get banned from all their games. >< And pushing BS games filled with Micro transactions.. ><
Im waiting for housing since WOD.
In other games is this a big and realy cool
I swear, I have been begging Blizzard for Naga as a playable race since 2004 since I loved them in WCIII and they already had distinct classes as enemies (mainly warrior, mage, and priest back then). When they did Dracthyr before Naga, I refused to play DF at first since I thought for sure after BFA and Azshara that Naga would finally be coming. Long story short, if they do bring them I can look back at my little 14 year old self and say that all those suggestions to Blizzard for the past 20 years weren't for nothing but I am not holding my breath.
Wish i could be happy and excited about this. But sadly i am in a bad Spot in life and not many things make me happy anymore. Not even one of my favorite games dark souls can make me feel Happy. I hope things will get back to normal again so that i can truly feel excited about all this.
Any news on when the unlocking of paladin, shaman and druids for all races will happen this expansion on 10.2.5 of 2.7
Or they're waiting for new expansion. Not interested in any news mainly, speculations are ok 2, just starting a discussion 😊🎉
I want in game housing like Asheron's Call.
They should have added player housing before garrisons … Just saying
Player housing will be useless. Chances are your the only one that can enter. If it's a place to craft you might as well spend time in area with auction house.Chances are it won't be good for anything except rping that's if more people can zone in. Garrisons 2.0 not even garrisons probably would be more use and how much time does anyone spend there. It's wasted development time.
Noticed that your the champion of Azeroth in this game yet your homeless…
Only speculations and wishful thinkings on this page 🤷🏽♂️
I’m one of the few who openly admit one of the last things I care about in World of Warcraft is player housing.
I think something like order halls for the different races might be cool.
Racial order halls/campaigns?
Regarding the world revamp, I think the biggest misstep they made with the world revamp in Cataclysm was revamping old zones and leaving them as levelling areas. So I'm hoping this time the area's that get revamped are turned into end game, or at least are used as our final ten, level zones.
I want a Tinker class that uses big hulk buster like mechs
Just an idea of a feature that would blow our minds: What about a second class? Being able to invest some points in a secondary talent tree from another class? That worked really well in GW1 and classless wow servers are really fun. You could explore crazy builds and really have a sense of uniqueness with your character.