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From what I understand DHs had a tuning pass, and they decided that we needed maple poutine flavored spell icons.
Woot woot 🙌 wow more DK buffs yay except for unholy the only spec I really play main. Think ima level up my shammy and mage and put my dk on the back burner for now! Thanks blizzard 🙃
idk why blizz cant make a good looking bow. 95% of them look tacky af.
Hunter is easiest class to play
I want brutosaur
Vuh-rykul apparently
I find it sad unholy was in a great place but with balance tuning on other classes it damage just doesn’t compare frost is doing more damage than unholy
Meanwhile, DH consistently ignored even though the class needs a major rework…
Maelstrom spenders are usually about 40%-50% total damage of Enhancement so, yes, 8% is a big deal.
I restarted playing WoW thinking they have changed since Legion. Turns out they have not. I am probably going to quit early but let us see what season 2 looks like. I restarted as a Feral. Blizz shits on that. Rerolled as a MM Hunter. They shit on Dark Ranger revamp. Tried DH. Nope. Lastly I decided to join the bandwagon and level up my Enhancement Shaman. Blizz does what Blizz does best and shit on it. 4x level 80's with iL 610-616 wasted effort designed by Blizz and idiot Ian just like in Legion.
The best move right now for everyone is to stop praising that turd so he can be replaced. And you deviants that worship him can f-off.
Wow, one tank is basically the only viable high key class?? Let's nerf it instead of buffing other tanks. Gj Blizzard
Still no havoc changes tho 😐
We solved step eight around 9 PM server time last night
so sick of pirate sets in wow honestly