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A borderline absurd amount of news has happened! Blizzard have responded to the TBC backlash, and for Shadowlands, there have been big 9.1 developments. We’ve now see more of the new raid, as well as the new dungeon. Korthia has seen even more updates, now sporting new progression & alt catchup.
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Plot twist: Blizzard actually wanted to sell it for that price already, but the cunning minds had already predicted that people would be bitching about costs, so they decided to start higher initially, and drop the price "significantly". An old recipe to pacify them annoying peasants. The carrot and the stick. 🥕
Here's an idea for mythic +. Scrap the whole keystone item aspect altogether. Make it so that if you go into a dungeon on mythic difficulty you can go interact with the pedestal. Then choose from a drop down list similar to challenge rifts in Diablo III which level difficulty you want to do.. Make it so that only the party lead can do this to avoid griefing. The choice would refresh at the beginning of each season and would update based on how much you timed the dungeon by. For instance say it's the start of a season. You get a group together and go into De Other Side. You interact with the pedestal and choose "+2", then if you end up finishing it in time to +3 it, the next time you go in there, you are able to select from the drop down list "De Other Side +5"
Blizzard did not cave. Blizzard made us feel 15 bucks is acceptable.
Excited to see you play FFXIV! Will you be streaming on Youtube or Twitch Live?
Corthia? More like Chore-thia
God I LOVE seeing you call blizz out. Cause your very open minded and put up with a lot.
Blizzard: We respect (insert middle finger) your time
I'm gonna call it now. Relic fragments come from rift portals and rift portals are most likely going to be the N'zoth nightmares. It is most likely another grind to do that feels forced. I think if torghast and the N'zoth nightmares and a few other small things all got combined into a singular system that will just drop / can drop certain/new t-mog, pets, mount(s), maybe a few meta achievments. They could design it like a dungeon/raid that is random between 9/10 bosses that wont be tied to the story. They could add in puzzles in order to unlock new areas that only be accessed on mythic or something. Idk spitballing ideas.*edit* NOT TIED TO THE STORY!!! but part of the lore still….*end edit*
World of Chorecraft
archivist cotex for all of your bleeding needs, welcome to grind from hell, conduits should be based off your fking spec, back to mass effect legendary…
Come to Final Fantasy 14 permanently! Blizzard doesn't care anymore about the players.
calling your viewers corporate patsies. Stupid intro.
Okay…. blizzard is in deep shit if Bellular is starting to sound this jaded with them. o . o. And on top of that I hear he's now planning to play FFXIV…… what the hell is even happening right now with the world o _ O
Look everyone hes back to shilling.
Literally while watching this video, just now, I got a conduit upgrade from a rare in Korthia
Anyone else fall asleep anytime he starts talking about Shadowkands? Good news or not… It's Shadowlands…dull.
nope. not gonna sub untill the pvp gear have 1-2 ilvls max between them.
bro blizzard sold out to activision already it's over just let the game die with what little diginity it has left.
blizzard pulled a j.k on character no one cared about how they were named just a long round abouyt way to ret con a mistake in naming her sheesh lol
If I could gear in Torghast ((I love it)) I would come back to the game…Also what ever happened to endless Torghast we were going to
It's a marketing tactic. Blizzard never planned on selling the boosts at 35. They just introduced such a ridiculous number that when they came back and showed 15, people would find it much more acceptable.
shut up and play the game lol
Still $15 for something that should be $0
Stfu bellulard i don't want hope i just want good content in this furry as* game i don't want to play the weeb mmo one because i don't want to start over everything again
5-hour react streaming
players are dropping moneys tanking players are outraged
hit the trans button it worked for overwatch when they made soldier gay
Rift portals sound like they took something from diablo 3
Bellular pls make video about honor nerf that they made today on BC classic. BG's are unplayable know while if someone had time yesterdey could farm honor cap
I want this. I NEED this.
God forbid sylvanas made her decisions by herself, nah she was "bRoKeN." Time for the inevitable "redemption" arc and blah blah reuniting her "pieces" like Varian (even though his reunification made more sense)
Remember when WoW was exciting?? I remember.
Thats a good point: we really should be able to buy conduits upgrades/slots by contest we like. Come on, man. I dont touch the maw for months, its bad and boring and i wont do that shit just to get a slot.
Bellular a few weeks weeks ago: I have finally opened my eyes to what everyone else has been saying. Blizz really doesn't care about us, I was wrong!
Bellular now: OMG guys they did 1 not as shitty thing, I love Blizzard again and they love me!
Wow, it really didn't take long for him to go back to business as normal, huh?