Blizzard Called Out Addons, And They Might GUT Mythic+

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Patch 11.0.7 has been hotfixed, tankbusters have been nerfed, and across both Addons and Mythic+, Blizzard are considering major changes to the game.

00:00 Two Big Stories
01:29 The M+ Timer
07:05 The Addons Arm Race
11:32 Isle Buffs!
12:30 Class Buffs
13:54 Everything Else!


33 thoughts on “Blizzard Called Out Addons, And They Might GUT Mythic+”

  1. complete crap like everything Blizzard has come up with lately

    maybe the developers could bother and play the game they are working on to see for themselves if addons/WA are such a big evil or not

    because there are differences between people who don't use addons and can handle it and those who don't use them and can't do even the most basic thing

    not to mention those who use addons/WA and can't do even the most basic thing

    Blizzard needs to realize that their community looks like a car windshield that someone threw a rock at or a bird crashed into it

    there are simply too many cracks (people/communities) and it's impossible to satisfy everyone but Blizzard CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT prioritize the smaller and shorter crack

    those little kids who are crying especially loudly now on TWW who represent the people they are making the game for right now

    others are completely ignored by Blizzard because they don't care about their opinions

  2. Remove bloodlust cooldown. Give a certain amount of bloodlust per run. Group can chose when to pop bloodlust and even chain all charges if they want. Add bloodlust as an extrabutton, so its not mandatory to take bloodlust and the lead can decide when and where to pop it. Same for battle-res. Will never happen, but I'd like it.

  3. There is a lot of good in the M+ system. If they got rid of depleted keys, that would single handedly bring tons of people back. You can rerun the same key over and over until you beat it, or a new week roles around (then the key rolls to another dungeon/ or lowers).


  4. I would rather watch paint dry then have M+ be' wait for CDs every pull and cc what you can'. That's exactly what it would turn into. If they want to test it, make another game mode and see how it goes over but don't kill M+ because people think it's toooooo haaaard…

  5. Blizzard should make an additional search for M+… “Completion”

    Even right now, when a key is obviously busted everyone wants to mass report people who leave. We all have different goals and so many people are little Bs.

  6. The main problem with WoW is that everyone pays the same monthly fee but only a handful get access to end-game content. They should make all raids, dungeons including mythic accessible through LFG once you have the right gear score and complete some training runs. Pretty much just make the mobs hit harder as you scale up. The way they run it now is a popularity contest – it's all about who you know and who you blow and not about competence. Imagine if the rest of the corporate world were ran like this, where everyone paid the same for a Tesla but Musk only gave access to the best features to a small group of consumers. There would be lawsuits galore! It's long past time for Blizz to fix this problem.

  7. It amazes me that Blizzard ever allowed add ons to get to the point they did, and ive never seen a gaming community as entitled as wow players when it comes to using 3rd party programs. This is espescially true in pvp. In nearly every other competitive game, it would be considered cheating to use clients outside of the game, but for some reason WoW players not only accept it and think its necessary. Laughable really.

  8. Beullular and this whole comment section make me so sad and upset to be around. It's FULL of whining around the HARDEST content in the game being too hard for them…does someone need to just straight up tell you it's not for you, or what??? Put the mythic dungeons and raiding down if you cant handle it. I've had the most fun ever since I've started playing at the end of Classic with the challenge of doing these types of content. Bellular is just inspiring people to make all walks of this game be for casuals. It's straight up bad rhetoric.

  9. Was talking about this with a mate the other day, how much harder and better would WoW be if they didn’t allow any add ons? No threat meters, how hard would those raids be, how much more feeling of accomplishment. Why not have atleast a few realms that you only play the game as is?

  10. Bro, you are officially on my "Do not recommend this channel list." What kind of nonsense is it to put a timestamp for the next section of the video RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR ADVERTISEMENT. That's some shady clickbait YouTuber nonsense.

  11. switching to a death timer would make the game feel old school again very quickly. I remember sap and sheep targets and CC being a real thing in dungeons. This 'go fast' gameplay has never been enjoyable for me.

  12. You can't have obtuse (and bad) UI design and progression raids at the same time. It's oil and water. If you want people to play without addons, then don't foster a community of people expecting perfection in order for you to be worthy of participating and getting loot.

  13. i mythic raid no addons the game is just as easy without addons once you learn the fight rather than watching for the addons to help you and also way more enjoyable as your ingaged with the game rather than watching it play out


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