CHOOSING A Shadowlands Covenant Based Only on the Story

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Which Shadowlands covenant should you choose based on the World of Warcraft Shadowlands Lore? WoW Shadowlands lore is deeply tied into the Shadowlands Covenant system but with WoW Slands so close to release, which WoW Covenant is the best?

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33 thoughts on “CHOOSING A Shadowlands Covenant Based Only on the Story”

  1. I feel like I want to choose based on lore , cos personally for me being a death Knight it would be really weird for me to choose bastion ☺️☺️ plus I'm really hoping I can join Sylvanus again in what ever she is planning.

  2. As a Sylvanas Loyalist, I am waiting for the Jailer covenant. The other 4 are all a bunch of lunatics anyway.

    You forgot to mention an extremely important thing ( the most important of all actually ). You can soulshape into an UNICORN as a Night Fae! I don't see the competition to that…

  3. I don't know if Revendreth would be libertarian. Yes, your own freedom is important to libertarianism, but so is respecting other's freedoms. Hurting others to benefit yourself is not libertarian.

  4. I really liked the video, finally something that is not DPS led, but mainly because I personally will also go after the story etc., even if I currently have a favorite that does not match the latest class guides, I will be surprised.
    Thanks for the video and your great work, you really stand out from all the other screamers out there and even though we don't always agree, I really like your content. Thumbs up.

  5. It looks like i'm gonna be stuck working for those damned winged smurfs. Sadly the Kyrian covenant offers the best powers for the classes i play. Story wise i like the necrolords and maldraxxus campaign the best out of everything i have seen. All the other covenants and zones can piss right off lol

  6. Bastion – shady cops maintaining order in a rough precinct
    Maldraxxus – soldiers discovering war has followed them home
    Ardenweald – hungry hungry hippies have run out of munchies
    Revendreth – he who controls the spi…anima controls the univ…er…Shadowlands

    Is it too cliche to note that all of them have skeletons in their closets?

    Be interesting if we ultimately end up having to right each of their paths as part of the continued ascension of the players and NPCs to eventually becoming the balancing force for cosmological forces that otherwise don't care about the individual fates of mortals. Would be a nice template for how players might serve as a balance to a particular pairing of cosmological forces.

    The players becoming the bridge for all these various forces are required to work through should they desire to act in reality.

  7. I'm more interested in the lore and aesthetic of how a Covenant fits the theme of the classes I play, than what they have to offer in terms of power, because I don't play hardcore anymore. I main a Warlock, and I'm torn between Venthyr and Necrolords. I love the whole Undead/Scourge theme of Maldraxxus, but I also love the Gothic castles and architecture of Revendreth.

  8. The covenants story is interesting. They are an awesome implementation to the game… but their class abilities and their limitation are a major threat to the game. Still can't wait for the launch day though!

    As a Havoc DH I should either go to Kyrians (for Mythic) or Venthyr (for raids). Screw Bastion… I still have to chose between Venthyr and Necrolords.

  9. Let me tell you something. I quit the game in legion when a Dk would one-shot me with his artifact weapon, and when a DH could solo a mythic keystone. Came back for Bfa, I quit the game when I saw that you can get one-shot by corruption in pvp or kill urself accidentally while trying to up a fckn keystone, when the heart of azeroth is actually an overpower piece of shit that gives you a player ability to one-shot someone. Now in prepatch, Btw what a nasty prepatch, rushed and just not well designed for a pay to play game. And I will tell you this, covenants, are the same cancer that's plaguing every game that has an unbalanceable system. I don't wanna go into an arena, and have a Dk use door of shadows to kill me anyway besides all the slows and stuns he has. I don't wanna be kicked out of a keystone because I'm running necrolords instead of kirian as a healer. I don't wanna be tied to a fckng system that basicly sets who I am as a player regardless of my skill or my playstyle. And this time will be the last time I quit this game if I ever see a motherfucker tell me "Discipline priest necrolords? Sorry bro, not optimal, out." "Discipline with necrolords Río score 15 times? U just got carried. Out." I'm sorry, I just don't wanna get blasted by a fckng paladin with a kirian ability that instakils me with my CDs on. Lore is irrelevant, players are irrelevant. The story is the main character, you are all secondary. It has been like this since Legion. You are all simping for Sylvanas. This might just be another feminist atemtp to dominate male spaces. Sylvanas is the spotlight of the expansion and we are nothing. She clearly said it back then. There is a fckng reason why devs leave Blizzard. And to be honest I sometimes wish I never played wow, I miss Wotkl so fxkng much, playing with my friends and enjoying wiping, and exploring, and everything else. Those memories is the only reason I am going to TRY shadowlands. Anyway its just my personal view of the reality I think a vast majority are in.

  10. I plan on having at least one character go through each one, of course, my only question is "What is the best order from start to finish, Lore wise, in which to do them to get the whole story (as it will be at launch)?

  11. Regarding the NIght Fae: Service/self sacrifice and individuality are not mutually exclusive. It seems to mean the main difference philosophically is that the Night Fae and the Kyrians is that the former make the choice to serve while the Kyrians do so by their nature/calling/etc, not by their own choice. A lot of us who believe in service and in helping others are also strongly individualistic and supportive of the individual.


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