Triple Boomkin Balance Druid Shadowlands Arena [Convoke]

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Whatsup guys!
I qued some triple balance druid with some awesome viewers from the stream and we had a blast. Think we ended on a 85 % ish winrate so was even some good honor. Alot of fun oneshots and footage so thought I might aswell just throw something toghever so you guys get to see the power of not only 1 or 2 but 3 BOOMKINGS.

If you enjoy please support, you can find me on: (If you have any questions I answer everything here)


45 thoughts on “Triple Boomkin Balance Druid Shadowlands Arena [Convoke]”

  1. It's so random when or if it'll happen, but hindsight, if it's a druid, CC out of stealth ASAP. Trinket is necessary now if you get CC'd, just mitigate and LOS quick. Idk…it's tough to predict, so just prepare for that combo. I'd fear off rip, and keep you loss of control until it drops but 3?!?! You're trolling mannnn

  2. how are you insta targetting the other players when your target goes out of line of sight, youre hitting the other player but still have your main target chosen (like his name is highlighted above his head) but you are hitting his partner.. i dont get it.. please explain

  3. The problem with balance druid is the counterplay, even if you react fast enough. By the time your able to CC or interrupt your basically already dead ahahah just feels kinda lame that you press one button and insta kill someone. Dont nerf the fun out of it. But lets actually balance the balance druid lol

  4. 01:54 holy fuck preach right here. I play lock and enchanced CoW ( 100% no crit ) means anyone and everyone tickles me while I chaos bolt your faces.

    People do not wall enough and they scream nerf. Fuck, I hate this community sometimes.


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