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Whatsup guys!
I qued some triple balance druid with some awesome viewers from the stream and we had a blast. Think we ended on a 85 % ish winrate so was even some good honor. Alot of fun oneshots and footage so thought I might aswell just throw something toghever so you guys get to see the power of not only 1 or 2 but 3 BOOMKINGS.
If you enjoy please support, you can find me on: (If you have any questions I answer everything here)
It's so random when or if it'll happen, but hindsight, if it's a druid, CC out of stealth ASAP. Trinket is necessary now if you get CC'd, just mitigate and LOS quick. Idk…it's tough to predict, so just prepare for that combo. I'd fear off rip, and keep you loss of control until it drops but 3?!?! You're trolling mannnn
I was looking for your armory but couldn’t find you, am I messing up the spelling? Hard to read on video, Zqix?
Bruh, pvp should be consisted of one shots, wtf?
dang imagine 3 good boomys playing this! that be scary
The svengelska 🤣🤟
sometimes my char (boomking yeah) just spams heals, not a single attack… it fuckings sucks
Such a good player…
"its not overpowered" lol delusional low rated noob. this guy sucks and its op, imagine someone good playing this
songs ? 😀
The sould give sub rogues a 40% damage increase to counter other classes that one shot. It's the only reasonable choice.
how are you insta targetting the other players when your target goes out of line of sight, youre hitting the other player but still have your main target chosen (like his name is highlighted above his head) but you are hitting his partner.. i dont get it.. please explain
Love you
When multiboxers hit the arena
4:22 vibe
song at 4:23?
They need to nerf all one shots and nerf healing im general in pvp….hybrid healing and main healers….Being one shot and one shooting isnt fun
This is amazing. I know now, what I must do.
Obviously the enemies were way under geared.
The problem with balance druid is the counterplay, even if you react fast enough. By the time your able to CC or interrupt your basically already dead ahahah just feels kinda lame that you press one button and insta kill someone. Dont nerf the fun out of it. But lets actually balance the balance druid lol
"so much fun"
nErF sUb rOgUe
Not op then proceeds to 2 shot someone the following clip… Yeah seems legit
you are the best man
nerf incomming
better nerf rogue
Song AT 8:23?
But they nerf only sub rogues….. wtf😂
Nice vids
"There is counterplay" the very next second…..monk.exe deleted.
thats complete fine guys KAPPA
Nice get convoke nerfed for feral so I can re roll. Thanks!
Doing stuff like this is what's gonna get yall nerfed hard lmao
I think I ran into you assholes lmao we got deleted 🤨
Just came across this video. I'm actually the Rsham @ 1:00. gg lol
"Free vs Free" arenas. I thought they were always free?
Really really good
I hope blizz dont nerf it
Because its only good dmg for 4 sec with 2 min cd
That is fine but not op
Sub rogue ret pala monk are op for me
Ridiculous guy, with ridiculous class..
Its completely OP, if you had to stand still during it maybe.
Notice he cuts out his mmr. Curious.
You need the addon truficgd that we all see what u press please..
Nameplate addon plzzzzzzz
Zqi, can you help me? When I convoke on my boom, my targ is 20+ yards away, and all I do is thrash 5 times, and i don't see a SINGLE spell go towards them. Do you know why???
I got hit with a 20K crit convoke today. When I was in D stance and have 21% versatility. That’s balanced for sure.
Hey, can you link the macro?
01:54 holy fuck preach right here. I play lock and enchanced CoW ( 100% no crit ) means anyone and everyone tickles me while I chaos bolt your faces.
People do not wall enough and they scream nerf. Fuck, I hate this community sometimes.