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Welcome to the definitive guide for Unholy DK PVP in the Shadowlands prepatch! This will go over all the new talents, abilities, stat weights, runeforges, trinkets, and overall class mechanics for Unholy as we wait for Shadowlands to be released.
The video is formatted like my typical guide videos with itemization, talents, rotation. The timestamps should help you find what you’re looking for! I give you the build that I use in both 2v2 and 3v3 arena that is comically overtuned right now, and will make you feel like a force to be reckoned with.
At the end of the video, I go over all my thoughts for the upcoming Shadowlands expansion, and how unholy will perform, what comps it will play, and other information you guys have been asking for.
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0:00 – Intro
2:13 – Stat Weights
9:27 – Azerite Traits
10:50 – Azerite Essences
15:18 – Weapons/Trinkets
20:03 – Runeforges
23:52 – PVE Talents
38:39 – PVP Talents
45:22 – Gameplay
54:59 – Shadowlands
#WoW #Worldofwarcraft #warcraft
LOL comically one shoot people
I honestly detest the current Unholy being an Undead Meele BM with plate armor and 2h.
I want my disease to deal high damage, have it debuffing my enemies to take more damage from (wet noodle) Death Coil or Apoc, have it scaling with haste like all other DoTs in the game.
I want my pet being a minor damage source and more of a utility tool and not 80% of my overall. Also missed opportunity to get rid off some GCD abilities. They could shuffle Soul Reaper into lvl 50 row and bring Runic tattoos in lvl 35 row. In lvl 50 row Unholy Assault should be gone and the 20% haste and attack speed moved to Apocalypse baseline. Like 5% haste and attack speed per bursted wound = 20% max.
For gods sake. I want to be the tanky, self sustaining but slow moving juggernaut with high self healing we used to be. DS being a complete joke and Lichborne being on a 2 min CD. On 54 we get Sac. Pact which I consider being another waste of key bind.
Why not have a strong Death Siphon with very little damage and very high healing factor. Example for lvl 60.
400 shadowfrost damage and heals for 2000% of damage, which would be 8.000 non-crit heal with a HPool of 35k-40k.
In addition Lichborne with it DC healing on 2 min.
But hey… you always get the best out of Unholy, Flark. Even when the spec feels like shit.
Is apocalypse runeforge really worth it? I've been testing on dummies and the healing reduction never gets over 1% for me. It seems strong when they proc more than 1 debuff at the same time, but what are you guys' thoughts?
Great content man. Keep up the great work and thank you!
I thought the rune of apoc was only 1 percent healing reduction. Is it 25 now?
Listened to the entire vid on my drive, cheers
YO GUYS THANKS FOR THE AWESOME POSITIVITY AGAIN!! 😀 You guys are the reason I do this even tho going through a hard time rn! Make sure if there's any thoughts/concerns or other clarifying questions, please come check out my stream each night, I respond to literally EVERYTHING.
Best DK guide on the block
Another great video!
Wonderful guide and very nicely explained. Many thanks for sharing
thats the big flark
Making me want to play more prepatch. Love you bro
Thanks for another great video, you helped me achieve 2k in BFA so I'm hoping for more great content to help me push further! I'll be tuning in for some more Flark after dark, cheers!
The magus of the dead from ur army of the dammed talent row are different from the azerite traits magus, the talent magus deal no dmg. If u use detail's u will see the diff. Just in case u didnt kown
Great video, rlly like ur content.
Great video. One of the best dk streamer, in my opinion. Love when you pose something about unholy. Do you also guide and help people with pvp on eu? 😃👍
Was waiting for this since prepatch went live. Very nice and detailed commentary. Keep it up 💪
So Flark you say that an equal distribution of stats is recommended but why is your mastery so high? I notice you gem full mastery as well. This confused me a bit.
awesome bro keep up the good work
Flark, why would you use unholy assault prior to apoc? I get the rune and wound mechanic makes sense, but by the time the ghouls are out they only get 3-5 seconds of the buff tops. I feel like it makes more sense to normal opener festering twice, then apoc, maybe use trink/cd to allow ghouls time to rise, then use unholy assault so all ghouls are getting almost full uptime of bonus. Doesn't it take roughly 5 seconds for the ghouls to rise after the apoc? It seems like you'd be a little slower to open (unholy always seems to be that way) but would maximize the burst window. Let me know what I may be missing that would make it more worthwhile to just UA then apoc.
Also, in leveling through SL, apoc will refund runes so burning more prior may end up more worthwhile to using and gaining max runes?
I know its long, sorry lol. Love your videos and have learned a ton toward maximizing and gaining an advantage in pvp. Thanks for all you do man!!
Thank you for this. I was bummed with 2h frost in the prepatch and moved my focus to gearing up alts. It's like I forgot that I have decent unholy gear and actually like the spec.
The advice about using clawing shadows is an eye opener too. I'm still stuck in the "mash necrotic strike harder" mindset
hi sir! i got here by accident rolling videos on youtube but u actually got my attention. very good explanations, one of the best instructional videos i've ever seen. specially better without that crazy annoying sounds that ppl use on videos . and u did it for 1 hour clean . i wanna play dk now because of you!
you know what? skill-capped should have videos like this on their website!
I can't believe blizzard gated pvp gear behind the renown ska so grind system.
It almost makes me not want to play shadowlands….hurry up with classic tbc please.
amzing vid very helpful and well explained!
Maybe it should be obvious but just wanted to make sure. You're using scourge strike as your spender then right?
Great guide, hoping youll do some carries for Darth Vagitarian in the future!
I’m going to have to issue a cease and desist order to you for being nice and informative as an arena player. That has to be illegal or something
Leveled a dk shadow priest and warlock for shadow lands. Only taking two with me for pvp dks seem solid. Thanks for the info
Great video, approved.
Tried the same setup on my dk and hit 2k today. Thx man.
Hey! I was the last one in the video xD. I didn't get a single dot off, but I was CC'ding like a champ.
Finally I got my answer on UH vs Frost, was looking for it so much
Always good to see people getting smoked by unfathomable dam
thanks very much for this, its def helped me in PVP, world PVP and arena, it takes a little adjustment, when its not about going in and smashing face it opens up a lot more options to survive a lot longer.
Thanks alot for the guide my dear sir <3
I went from 800 rating to 1880 in 2’s in like 3 hours with an undergeared ret pal buddy. Plus got the achiev “even hotter streak” Thank you very much for this breakdown and guide. …this melts priests …. like butter…. in a volcano. … ur the man.
Thank again for this guide, you deserve alot more viewers!
Thanks for the vid man helped me out alot going to push 2.2k this week hopefully
Hey Flark!
Can you please let me know what dps rotation for unholy while CDs are down?
Death coil on ever proc or outbreak for spending power? Obviously use death strike if healing is needed.
Just looking for some priority dps while waiting for CDs.
This is awesome. Helped me a lot. Was torn between maining Unholy and Ret. Definitely thinking Unholy is the play.
Great vid! I got back into wow pvp after wod and I was so lost, but thanks to you I can finally delete ppl again.
i noticed recently that abom is nor appearing at the cursor and appears next to me then goes forwards? i am using usual #showtooltip
/cast [@cursor]Raise Abomination, i am targeting the person and putting mouse next to then, already started attck etc ? any ideas?
Thank you for the vid! May I ask what are your key bindings?
This guide is amazing like yo! You killed it, awesome job and keep it up.
first time seeing your video, i was 2k and this improve my game so much… ty
Great Vid, sub is there. cant wait for your Sl Content
awesome guide 🙂 ty
Your the best brother this video helped alot tyvm