Let's Play World of Warcraft – TBC Classic – Human Mage – Part 2 – Gameplay Walkthrough

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In this series, we’ll level up as a Human Mage in World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade Classic, in preparation for Wrath of the Lich King.

Addons: Immersion, Questie.
Professions: Tailoring, Skinning


36 thoughts on “Let's Play World of Warcraft – TBC Classic – Human Mage – Part 2 – Gameplay Walkthrough”

  1. Again, thank you for your videos, they are very relaxing!
    Have you tryied to do a monthly or weakly event to invite random people from the chat to a group and level together for a while? It could be interesting. The key word is that it could… it may go horribly wrong :/
    BTW tailoring is the best profession up to Lich King, even if you are not a cloth guy ^^. Bags and flying mounts for the win.

  2. Don't know if you have it, Lesser Magic Wand is a must-have for your level, then Greater Magic Wand, big damage and cost 0 mana, you even regen a bit while using it since you are not casting. You can buy both from AH.

  3. The young Morgan freeman baby! Thanks for the video. I work long hours in the sun and wife nurses at a hospital all night so your videos really do unwind me for the day. It’s nice to have a YouTuber I can watch and enjoy spending and hour of my time with, play a game I don’t really have time to play anymore thanks Robert!!! -Margaritakazz

  4. Man I gotta say… I've been watching these playthroughs of yours at night for probably months now, you're a big part of why I've been playing retail and classic for the first time in my life since I missed out as a teen, and your videos have very quickly become a literal staple of my day… and I just noticed I'm not even subscribed to you yet. Think it's about time that changes, I find your videos incredibly relaxing and during a time of turmoil where my job hangs in the balance and I've not got much coming my way, I sure am appreciating the sheer enjoyability of your series, watching someone play all these different classes in WoW whilst I get to experience it for myself for the first time is a very enjoyable experience, the game is for sure challenged in some ways but my god what an experience just levelling is.

    Thanks dude, your stuff's awesome, keep up the great work 🙂

  5. I haven't touched wow since Cataclysm was the main expansion and its very sad to see the server so empty. Even on a medium population server back in the day it was busy busy.

  6. Played WoW as a kid, I remember looking at Google images all day of WoW characters and items etc when I wasn’t allowed to play it. This pops up and has brought back some amazing memories, so much so ill be purchasing this game again. Love it. Thank you

  7. Thank you for these WoW gameplay walkthrough. They bring back great memories of my first days of WoW gaming. I work from home, and I watch them from the corner of my screen. I suffer from anxiety, and they help more than any meds I was ever prescribed.

  8. addendum: if there is any error, it was the translator! my english is bad. but man i miss this game so much that i don't know how to explain it, when i stopped playing it feels like the world took a part of me. I wish I had better enjoyed my moments in this game 🙁

    From: brazil

  9. There is a wand vendor in Stormwind. Her name is Ardwyn Cailen. Her coords are 52.8,75.6 in the Mage Quarter. You could get a low lvl wand for well under 1 gold. A wand for your lvl is around 2 silver 80 copper.


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