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Demon Hunter players are subhuman. They’d be upset about me saying that if they could read.
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I mean, they scarified everything. What did you give?
Haha, all jokes aside yeah they are insane atm.
Who asked
Love the music lmao.
People still play retail?
gotta maybe try to Pain Suppress the hunt, or it looked like you had fear up too. but the damage is definitely broken af
I havnt played retail since cata and I can’t believe this is still a map?!??!
Sadly yes
smh skill issue, why didnt you just heal
And that is why The Hunt got nerfed by 20% in PvP Combat.
you made multiple mistakes and died?
yeah, looks like a 1800 healer all right
Dude dh dmg is just retarded. Do Blizzard not have dps meter? Dh does most dps, have 500x cc, immortal and can fly to the moon and back… siiigh.
Don’t worry. Nerfs tmr! But don’t forget about lock buffs cause they needed those!
Bro I fucking love these clips.
mass dispel
Worst game they ruined it
Ha imagine getting kicked in holy
No health swap, no pain suppression, looks like 1200 ratting go me
😂you suck!
Get better…
You got hit by the hunt and ele shaman burst and got kicked. That's not being op that's being outplayed