Details You Missed From The Player Housing Teaser! – World of Warcraft

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Today we look at some of the finer details you might have missed from the Player Housing teaser released during the Warcraft Direct!

Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific

0:00 Intro
0:52 Item inventory
3:50 Inventory, short version
4:41 Art scaling and long term effects on WoW
8:00 Higher floor access
8:33 Lighting
8:48 Free placement of items
9:22 Housing utilities
9:36 Customizable “trophy” placements
10:47 Bug, or modular, expandable walls

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23 thoughts on “Details You Missed From The Player Housing Teaser! – World of Warcraft”

  1. I'm hoping they go the D&D 'Magnificent Mansion' route. Our homes are in extra-dimensional space and we carry the key. That way we can go home no matter where we are (I presume it would only be accessed in a rest area though).

  2. Sorry to say this but I feel like this video was a lot of nothing. I understand the idea of the video but I felt like the same thing was said over and over. Shows a lack of content to show. I am more surprised by the human warrior that you called a blood elf btw using the rogue class weapon of thunderfury than all of the housing maybe possible options.

  3. Well don't be good mooded… blizzard will put most of it into the ingame shop I'm sure . So nothing to be happy about it . Capitalism wins these days always in the genre of MMORPGs .
    Blizzard is always capable to fck up good news with bad decisions. Remember draenors half housing castle….

  4. It might be an unpopular opinion, but I'm hoping they don't add anything of convenience to housing, no barber, no tmog, no bank or crafting tables. This should be purely an aesthetic feature.

  5. Player housing can be a double edge sword. Yes it would be nice to have a place to show off our achievements. The problem comes when the housing is designed for more than that. If you can que up for a dungeon craft your wars have a bank and an auction house it would make the world seem super empty. On the other hand if it was only a place to show off achievements then no one will go to them and they will become useless. How do you make these useful but not too useful.
    Obviously content creates love this idea as it gives them another source of content to stream. They are all on board hard core.
    Thinking more about this is a shame that there are so many vendors in the world that sell irrelevant items or items that become irrelevant very quickly.
    What would be cool is a guild hall. Depending on the guild each player could have quarters to decorate.
    If the guild hall was attached to a major city it would be pretty cool and keep players near the towns for crafting AH and banks. Imagine if they redid all the vendors to have specific needed items. What if there was ore vendor that has all the ore in the game for sale but his quantity was int the amount sold to him by other players. This would affect the AH in a huge way but it would give players a reason to go to these random shops and buy things.
    I have a feeling though that player housing will be neat but useless after a few hours.

  6. Best thing they can do for Player Housing is not have set locations for items/objects. Give the players the tool sets the developers use to build WoW's environment and a plot and let them build the rest. If I want a million candles all over my villa I should be able to place each one as I see fit. Item sizes should matter for Player Housing, I think we've passed the point of the rest of the world is more of an exaggeration than a 1:1 scaling, but the Player Housing should feel like the characters fit. Props also need to be intractable. Its not a home if I can't sit or sleep on a chair or bed that's a diorama.
    Players should also be able to choose if they want their house to have four walls or be a cave system like the druid dens or both. I'd love to have a basement with tunnels that go around the property. Blizzard is setting themselves up to deliver on something other games have had for years. There are tons of examples and Blizzard was good at taking a thing that already exist and putting a good spin on it for WoW but now they need to go very hard on Player Housing, and I'll say it again they need to give the player the same tools the developers use to build WoW's environments and let us loose.

  7. I am hoping that Player Housing will be per character and not per account. Pretty worthless to alt-o-holics if their main's home doesn't vibe with alt #32 aesthetics. Let's try to keep our expectations at a simmer until Blizzard is willing to share more information with us.

  8. I already proposed under similiar films, cosmetic chair shold be easily obtainable and usable as transmog, but! Thats just an asset looking as a chair, unusable. If i want usable chair i need to make crafing order, that will demand materials from expansion this asset is from. Unlocking cosmetic assets by photos of items or explorer/other achievements for said location.

  9. Let us watch youtube by sharing links on our Goblin made televisions at home, imagine watching wow videos in wow, listening songs, and being able to do all these with your friends on your couch with a fireplace next to you ! The game named "Tower Unite" already has this system and if wow brings this feature, it would be the first MMO bringing that to their game! Spread this idea if you liked it, make Blizzard hear it!


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