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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #dragonflight
The fact this is an april fools makes me so sad, I had some real pvp revival hopes looking at the video …
This… should be real.
By side of the map , you mean Ring of Peace lands on top of the pillars. That shxt sends my brain into flipflops of rage mid match.
I was about to go heal some solo shuffle. Feels bad man.
Did Blizzard Just Save Retail PvP?! They romoved DH from the game?
I may not know what the company may also do to its game of WoW. But, its only combat with far too many quests that are quite alike of repeats of doing something slightly different and much reading of story and lore. No need to read a stupid game. But combat is the only route of abilities of your choice would be the route you realign yourself towards. So, if there is defense. Would you only need to choose defense abilities and do very little attack of unbalancing to being greater versus little in the better alternative. Better defense is greater in surviving and winning if you get any offenses. What a broken game. RuneScape is broken on combat too. There is no need for most armor in free mode, only a shield. If you like boots and gloves and a helmet that has any favor as fashion. For leveling your combat. Its better if you can go on lower level monsters with enough health, because their easy. Finally if their too easy you go up a level or few. If their slightly too difficult for the few that are higher. one level is ideal.
Like, as for RuneScape. In free mode, you can go for giant frogs of 23 health of hitting half at level 50 combat skills and get one point of damage more for every 5 strength, with only a shield and sword of rune that shared the exp for attack and defense. So, that you don't have to switch on leveling the three alone but together is barely any difference but its going to be much time to level this way without going for an upgrade. Its the journey and getting big bones from giant frogs can get you like 250 coins and the frogs go down fast or bury for 15 exp or keep for storage. For altar exp may triple. As for the higher monster for free mode, are slower on killing and the loot is barely any better. So, it takes much more time for higher monsters for their combat level and the loot is very bad. Get bones and sell. But than lower grade bones could be easier but are worse alternative. As faster but less coins. The higher monsters just take far too much time and bad loot that doesn't stack as notes.
Like any alternative on a skill. I would only need to mine and magic smith my ore into bars for three skills and not needing to do one skill. I can level my magic and smith and mining and stay at my spot of mineral rocks for 20 minutes. Why would I need to alchemy anything, if the grand exchange is the place for selling stuff in bundles of over a 1000 as note form in my pocket to the grand exchange system. There is no need to go through one animation for one alchemy on an item into coins that is armor of lower grade. Just put it on the grand exchange from the many that you get from monster to your bank of a 1000. The teleporting for levels is not needed because your doing many attempts for an hour and your losing money and someones work or your own for the runes that are made or bought from an npc or grand exchange or some player. Their called essence into runes and armor could have this name.
There's no way this is a joke when it's literally what the community has been asking for
Saw a post about some of this earlier today…. 😂😂 Oh blizzard 😂😊
Wait, what if the joke is this is actually happening and blizz pulled a fast one to see how long we'd go thinking they were messing with us… 🤔😑🤣😁
I love my pennant 😂
The two consecutive rounds one is impossible because from one round to another you have no options but to flip the healers and you can't do this twice, because then you have the same two dps playing with the one healer, which violates the shuffle round-robin.
Consider we have Healer1 and Healer2 (h1 and h2) and we have DPS1, DPS2, DPS3, DPS4 (d1, d2, d3, d4)
In round one, we have 2 teams: (h1, d1, d2) and (h2, d3, d4)
For the No-Two-Consecutive-Rounds rule to hold in round 2 we have to swap healers: (h2, d1, d2) and (h1, d3, d4)
For the No-Two-Consecutive-Rounds rule to hold from round 2 to round 3 we have to swap healers again but this violates the solo shuffle rule of playing each combination once.
You should be able to file a complaint on the pvp devs and show them this video.
good changes :). /cry
happy about the mmr loss, but still absolutely shocked it took this long to implement
These april fools patch notes used to be silly things like 300% damage for demon hunters, now they are the changes we all are asking for because the joke is that blizzard would actually do something good for the game.
This is actually a sick joke because if these changes actually happened the game would be so much better.
Meh not a big deal, I can just afk the rest of the rounds instead of leave
I could tell these jokes were made by someone who still plays. Because none of them made me feel like wanting to play again for a millisecond
OMG I GOT FOOLED …… i was so happy to see the healer changes 🙁 im so sad right now man..
This is just sad
Makes me sad this isn’t real…I was actually excited about a lot of these and woulda started playing retail again. 😢
fuck u…. why did u have to steal my dreams….
these changes are so simple and needed… i feel abused
The leaving thing is endemic, that change is 100% needed. Thumbs up.
I was about to resub to WoW. Jk April Fools lol.
They7 arnt april fools.. The april fools post was seperate.
I thought it was funny, dont take anything anyone says on April 1st seriously 😂
yeah good joke ig pvp continues 2 stay dead lol
Blizzard is an L company
I was buying it until the "healers climb faster" part. That would not work because it would create a bubble and lack of heals at low lvl.
Was about to resub and check it out. Instead now I just get to say F*ck you Blizzard for not making this a reality. Could have been, should have been, Isn't.
A wonderful dream… a beautiful and sweet dream…🥲😔
I was about to resub until I realised it was an April fools. Jokes on them, if they implemented this id be straight back.
Ah yes.. the blue posts have been moved from the wow forums to reddit.. obviously