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I think this ties back into the video where you were talking about what's after the WSS and after 20 years it's very obvious that wow is held together with duct tape and Elmer's glue. Over the last 20 years they've built an amazing world, made their mistakes with stories and characters and how they went about building their world and honestly given the path warcraft is taking with these next few expansions, I'd love to see them have azeroth basically function as a reorignation machine for the game as a whole, perhaps azeroth could wake up, see that what's become of the cosmos is irredeemable while also understanding that it was made that way because of titan influence so perhaps she reorignates the world in such a way where the board is completely wiped, the titans are all asleep back in their worlds and we start fresh in a universe unmolested by the touch of Order and titanic influence. We could explore so much with that idea and tell a story that in a way let's us explore warcraft from new perspectives, maybe the actions we take could be what gives rise to Aman thul and the titans and its all a giant cycle, they really do have so much to play with here if they take the lessons from the past and build on the ideas they've already spent 20 years fleshing out and it would give them the freedom to recontextualize some lore.
For someone like me, all I want is to have tons of sick fucking fantasy-related cosmetics & mounts so I can RP, and be able to level through a beautiful world and an amazing story that I can immerse myself in and feel like a Paladin / Death Knight / Mage / Priest / etc…
This type of player is largely ignored, and that’s what WoW was originally – that’s what makes up a huge portion of the playerbase.
Been playing since vanilla and ended up shifting from retail to SoD. I'm hopng War Within is good, but not sure I'll focus my efforts there unless there's some compelling gameplay/ features added
thats why your never online on twitch you stream early as fuck haha holy shit
I'm 44 and because I got sick and now stay at home 24/7 I could go back to the grinding style of playing. When I was working there was no time. Luckily I never had kids and always enjoyed being alone, so being able to really get into the game was a blessing for me. I sleep about 14-16 hours a day, but when I'm awake, I play all. the. time. 🙂
im 32 I like wow since 2011
I think the problem is wow has 7 million subs world wide. Seven million divide by 4 or 5 modes. When wrath was 12 million in one game. Like my brother sub for 12 month and only played season 1. 60% of my friends list is playing sod. 20% classic. I have like 4 people i can play retail with.
7 million subs is still a lot
48 and still playing, probably keep going as long as I'm physically able to or they stop supporting the game.
I considered coming back for Dragonflight but then I found out that released a short story that turns Chromie trans. The game just isnt made for me anymore.
I'm definitely not part of your typical demographic. 🙋♀ I'm 53 and female. My husband and I have been playing since Vanilla. 😊
Saved? no. Even WoD and SL made money….but they lost BILLIONS. It could be easily improved, but it's so bogged down with wokeness and internal nonsense that puts Blizz at war with casuals and pvpers that they are costing themselves a ton of money. Ion might have piloted them to billions, but he lost billions more.
The gameplay is fine, it’s not appealing to any epic fantasy with the story, the quests, or leveling.