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This guide shows World of Warcraft Players how to get their Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor (mobile warbank) by completing the prepatch quest on their non timerunner character and what to do if they accepted the quest on their timerunner character. Also, the Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor can be used on other characters including the TImerunners.
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The warbank has been disabled by blizzard 10h ago FYI
Thank you for clearing this up! I was searching for it my toys.
THANK YOU!!! For the Love of God!!!! I've been trying to figure out this Shit for over an hour!!!! Why..WHY..Does Blizzard have to do this CRAP EVERY Expantion??? UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I Really mean Thank You Man!!! Why the spell book?? Appreciate you!!😀
Oh geez! I thought it would be a toy. Was driving me crazy trying to find it.
I mean like… Why would a person try to do CURRENT content on a MoP zone locked character? I mean use brains, if it's a new patch, ALWAYS log on to a Live server character first for reasons like auto-given quests. then again I guess this is the only time we had a new mode tied with live servers, so yea, but still anybody with a brain should've known to log onto a retail character first.
Yea I'm locked out just did a quest to gadgetzan turn in quest. And I don't have no more quest. I'm lock out by another character. So maybe when it goes live. Most likely it be fixed.
I think the warband lockout is being fixed. I completed the quests, when I try to open it I get a message saying “feature is not available by blizzard” or something similar to that.
Thanks for this. It was the bank thing that had me worried. Was I doing something wrong or is it one of the usual new patch bugs… Well, you just confirmed it's a bug. Nothing new there. But looking forward to when this feature is enabled.
Also doing those quests in Tanaris, there are some grey items that drop for transmogs that you can only get while doing the kill quest.
you don't have to Abandon the quest i am hated on my main and i logged in on him first then i logged in to an alt and went over there and turn it in on my alt
This is what happens when players are used as beta testers. You get poor input as they are all about content creation. So when things go live on an old, outdated, broken and dilapidated server system, simple things like people accessing the war bank at the same time will break it. Blizzard Wow Servers = sports car on the outside and sewing machine for an engine on the inside. Where this hurts the consumer is the outlandish "gas price" we are expected to pay in order to run that sewing machine engine.
Don't complete the quests to hunt grey transmog gear from TWW for the AH or your collection.
Succinct and totally helpful. Subscribed!
and no; your not…i logged in on a timerunner first; didnt delete it went over to a retail char and it was there on them no abandoning no locked out
Man, thanks for this video, i would have never figured all that out.
knew it was a spell because it keeps auto-adding it to all my alts' toolbars if they have an open spot. lol
did it on my 60 mage, warbank is disabled tho
I dont think it needs level 70
7/25/24, I did this quest on a new low level character not in remix.
Just opened 5 level 20 characters in remix and two spells auto loaded onto my bar on each, this and the toggle flying style.
ALT+F4 fix the bug!!
The simple quest would be easy if there wasn’t so many insta killing the mobs we need to loot. I was thought by just tagging it and then waiting for others to have a chance to tag it too. That toy is trash. 2 hour cd to summon the warband bank. And it’s stuck on cd since day one. That feature is now disabled by blizzard .
The Warband bank has been disabled by Blizzard so they can fix some issues with it. That is why you’re getting the message that it’s being used by another character. There’s nothing that can be done to bypass it until Blizzard fixes the issue and turns it back on.
You do not have to be 70 to get this quest. I was able to complete it on a 63
Has anyone been able to pick up the Last Hurrah. It seems to force me to choose Zaralek Caverns and the Time Rifts. Out of the 3 this is the one I really don't want to do. If there is a script to just accept the right quest (either of the other 2) I would be grateful.
I have done the same regarding the bank being locked by another toon. I also tried disabling all of my addons after starting the game before logging in. Just in case one of them was accessing the bank in the background and it did not fix the issue. Only thing I can figure is it is an issue on the server side and has to be fixed by Blizzard. No clue when they might actually get around to fixing it.
Thank you! I logged into a timerunner first and was locked out, had to abandon and go to a normal character to complete it.
people are saying you have to do on each character?
What if I abandoned the quest and it’s not available again? How do I get back to it?
Thank you for this video!
I did the quests on my main, right after I finished the server kicked me and after I logged back in the skill was gone from my main character, it's not even in the general tab for him, it's on all my other characters though… There's so many things broken right now… The Master Wildercloth Fishing Hat says it gives an appearance on use and it didn't give me the appearance, and I equipped the hat after it's use and it put it on but there's no hat slot so it's essentially vanished. It auto equips with fishing but it only does dragon isles fishing now, so it's not the best hat to use, but the look is by far the best.
I have problem with game crashing when I mouse over few items in bags and guild bank.. Tried everything as a solution, nothing worked (deleting WTF, no addons, Bag addons just in case, another game instance different device) etc..