Dragonflight is ALREADY Winning Where Shadowlands Failed – (A Rant on Storytelling)

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

What is Dragonflight doing RIGHT that Shadowlands did WRONG? World of Warcraft hasn’t been in the best of states, as of late. However, with the recent success of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, as well as people becoming more and more hyped for Dragonflight, the question lingers of what exactly Dragonflight is doing right compared to the previous expansion? Although there are several answers to this pondering, Nixxiom has decided today to focus on the backbone of the fantasy game – its story. So far, people have responded well to the story of Dragonflight and in this video Nixxiom hopes to answer the question as to why.

Dragonflight is World of Warcraft’s ninth expansion, featuring the release of Dracthyr, a new playable race, as well as the Evoker, a new Dracthyr-only class that uses the powers of all the Dragon Aspects. Dragonriding, a new form of transportation, will allow players to travel across the Dragon Isles at break-neck speeds, a profession and talent revamp is sure to interest many, and there will be 5 new zones to explore! Will Dragonflight save World of Warcraft? We will have to wait to find out.

0:00 Dragonflight Looks Good?
1:09 The Current State of WoW
4:09 The FUTURE and the PAST
6:21 Returning to the Roots
9:10 Boring is Good

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39 thoughts on “Dragonflight is ALREADY Winning Where Shadowlands Failed – (A Rant on Storytelling)”

  1. What are you all playing in Dragonflight?

    ALSO! Tomorrow – for those of you who love the Crendor / Nixxiom content – there's a new video coming out especially for you. <3

  2. "there's no timetravel" oh G, you're about to discover what the Bronze flight is all about !
    You'll talk about their final quest, everyone talk about it. Very shocking for a long time warcraft lore fan.

  3. Unpopular opinion: Shadowlands, for the circumstances it was released under and all of the garbage happening in the Blizz world, and the real world — It did it's best. It could have been better of course, but it also could have been a lot worse. I personally didn't hate it.

  4. Unfortunately for me, warlords of draenor was the first expansion that I actually hit max level and I got to take part in raiding… I had played since 2005 and never got a character to max level because of indecisiveness on what I wanted to main. Still love playing many alts but all in all I liked warlords. Couldn’t stand shadowlands though. I have hope that I will be able to stick with dragon flight so I can enjoy the story.

  5. The bar is set so low comparing storytelling of anything to shadowlands lol
    7:20 Shadowlands being a bad story writes itself, but the comparison here is literally 0 iq. you can go into more details about hobbit like you did in shadowlands, and you either don't know anything about dragonflight or you are comparing a story that hasn't been told yet… how is this even a comparison???

    8:32 lets use Nixxiom's way of explaining shadowlands story to explain MoP story since it is so simple…
    Mop is about finding new land, fighting horde/alliance, finding old god roots, warchief bombs jaina, there are trolls, mogu, pandas, bugs, old god remains, overpowered orcs. I mean, it is about as simple as shadowlands… but of course when you give a silly description like… "well it's about horde vs alliance in a new land" you kinda leave a whole lot of information out, it would be like me saying shadowlands is about stopping sylvannas and the jailer from accomplishing their evil goal. way oversimplifying the story, and again, shadowlands is still a low bar and Nixxiom still manages to somehow F up the explanation as to why it is so bad compared to other expansions… Baffling.

    9:18 "blizzard isnt doing anything new and returing to simplicity with their story telling" you can't know any of this regarding story as the story isnt even out yet, just clues of what this is about… just because we are going to an island on Azeroth, doesn't mean it cant be as complex and an alternate universe or an afterlife.

    10:10 "something to explore"…? like what lol what does one even expect to find there that is such a mystery? We have dealt with dragons for 3 expansions already, what do you think you'll find there that we haven't found yet? we know about old gods and how the corrupted certain dragons. we know who the aspects are and their roles. we know titans and their contribution to dragonkin. what are these delusions people have that they will find something earth shattering and ground breaking in this expansion? you just gonna find landmass that had been built for dragonriding, you will find 8 dungeons throughout the expansions, 3 main raid tiers with maybe 1 or 2 small raids and a small chance at a 4th main raid tier. you will have a character you can't really develop anymore once you reach max level aside from grinding gear. and Dragonriding will get boring in 1-2 weeks and you'll wish you could fly normally so you can auto fly from 1 place to another and go afk for a couple of mins or watch a video and not having to worry about auto landing when fuel runs out. I thought your WotLK videos were offbase but this is a whole new level of cope

    I feel like Tuskarr isn't a furry race given how they have no furr, at least in no visible places xD

  6. I logged in yesterday for the first time in 6 months just to get a feel for the new talent trees before committing to the expansion and was pleasantly surprised. It felt really good to level an alt today, so consider me hyped.

  7. I still say the biggest mistake they made was create mythic keystones. I know they've become inexplicably popular but I find them to be a giant chore. Raiding as the true endgame content was the main triumph, and now it's fading away with this insane focus on mythic keystone dungeons. I still want to raid, but everyone gates even heroic raiding behind constant farming of mythic keystones.

  8. I feel like the switch back to talent trees could've been one of those "you think you want it but you don't." moments. I'm already missing the simplicity of the old system a little bit but I haven't gotten to play with the tree for more then 20 minutes.

  9. The last two expansions have been bad because Blizzard wasn't listening to the players, they've (mostly) turned around on that so I do think Dragonflight will be good.

  10. I only just recently got back into WoW and the story of Shadowlands doesn't seem too bad right now (mind you, I only just finished Maldraxxas). I like the story of "go into the afterlife to rescue your friends." Reminds me a lot of ancient mythologies like the Greco-Romans, the Mesopotamians, and the Egyptians. I like the concept of different spirits being sent to different realms suited to they lived. I am a bit torn on the added conflict of this Jailer guy redirecting spirits into his own realm. In my opinion, I don't necessarily mind the concept of that sort of story, having to help rebalance heaven and hell, but I wish it was one or the other, or at least the siphoning was more secondary. Still, so far, not that bad, but if it really does start getting more complex than it already is, it will likely lose me

  11. Ahhh, so it’s already started. Every expansion, people claim that it’s already saved and better than the last. I don’t get why people make these claims before the expansion has been out for at least a couple of months.

  12. Hope Dragonflight is good so all you guys can enjoy WOW again, i tried coming back as a casual when they gave me Shadowlands free with a boost and i just couldn't get into the game again for like the 3rd time. It's like there's so many little things that bother me about the game that i can't get over. Plus im a lore nerd and trying to understand and keep up without playing is rough

  13. What I feel good about dragonflight is the lore is heading back to somewhat home-y direction. Back on Azeroth and focusing on Azeroth. No cosmic world trekking, no afterlife hobnobbery.

    We going back to good ol' world adventures.

  14. I wouldn't assume that everyone shares the view that all of SL was dumspterfire; it may well be true, but without hard stats, hard to say. From my own perspective .. as a non-raider, I'm of two minds; 1) I liked the SL story that I saw .. not a fan of losing Sylvanas to the dark side, but maybe redemption in the future. A shame about Anduin too, but okay. The actual SL stuff — Thrall getting to meet his mum, come on, that was wonderful. The seeds in Ardenweald, with the spirits of some past lore – Ursoc and such, that was _great_; to an original vanilla player, who loved the druid lore, it was sort of nice to see some old characters back. We got to see Ursoc and such in Lgeion IIRC, in the tained raid where he'd gone mad? Somethign like that. Even 'going to hell', come on, thats metal AF, and was a cute idea. The SL cinematic with banshee mode S ripping the helm in half, that was pretty badass too.

    So, on the one hand, I really liked a lot fo that, but not as much where the story went, but I was good with the baseline SL story.

    The execution was even pretty top notch, just misguided. Borrowed power blah blah crap, but as usual… art team did grea,t music team great, everythign executed pretty well..

    I didn't care for Zereth Mortis or any of that rubbish; I did it, but meh; The Maw etc, whiel metal AF, did just get tedious. Torghast was pretty great, but being required to do it sort of took the fun out. The grind for legendary dust blah, that was a drag, for us solo peeps.. impossible to keep up andlost interest int he grind.

    I sort of hope Torghast stays availabnle, and it'd be cool if there was an easy way to just jump into it without going to SL .. like the honor teleport to BGs, let us teleport to Toreghast for lulz… be fun if it was just somethign you coudl do, easily.

    But the long story, and the covid (presumably) induced lack of content..the missing third patch.. THATS what did in SL more than anything. I doubt average joe cares about the story, but they do casre about being bored or grinded out.


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