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Hello everyone! In today’s video I’ll be showing you 9 (+2) easy to get mounts that were added with the new shadowlands patch 9.1 Most of them are quite straight forward to get and requires you to do some gathering around the korthia and for some you’ll need some of the new and old currencies. Enjoy!
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Maelie Macro From Wowhead
/target Maelie
/cleartarget [dead]
/stopmacro [noexists]
/script SetRaidTarget(“target”, 2);
/script PlaySound(888);
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(“Target found!”, 0, 150, 150)
0:00 Intro
0:52 New Covenant Mounts
1:55 Darkmaul
2:51 Dusklight Razorwing
3:53 Amber Shardhide
4:42 Soaring Razorwing
5:07 Maelie The Wanderer
6:22 Bonus Mounts ???
#worldofwarcraft #blizzard #wow #shadowlands #tockmuck
Forgot to leave the macro in the description.
Great video as usual!
as always: great vid, sir.
maelie seems to be a little bugged, as for me she didn’t reset before the next weekly – and then I couldn’t find her until just yesterday.. i’ve seen others already having the mount so i just thought that was a little odd.. idk if it’s random when she “wanders” or if blizz fixed this issue but just a heads up 🙂
great vid as always, Tock!! very thorough, you deserve more subs for sure
I am a die hard necrolord fan but I cannot stand the corpse fly and I hate the venthyr but I love their new mount
Oh man you have a voice that would be good for fancy beer commercials. I'd drink that beer.
Are any of these mounts viable to get as a new player? I have a level 55, level 45, and a level 24. I have no idea what covenants are for so I'm not sure if I should watch this yet