Elune Tyrande Cinematic – The Power of Night – Shadowlands 9.1

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Elune Tyrande Cinematic
You were summoned to Ardenweald, where you were tasked to hunt down two former Night Warriors in an effort to save Tyrande Whisperwind. You met with Huln Highmountain in Maldraxxus and found Khaliiq, and then headed to Revendreth where you found the Stonewright.

After returning to Ardenweald, you participated in a ritual to save Tyrande. The ritual went awry, but higher powers intervened, and Tyrande’s power was stabilized. Heart healed, the Winter Queen was able to restore Ardenweald’s lost sigil.


22 thoughts on “Elune Tyrande Cinematic – The Power of Night – Shadowlands 9.1”

  1. 1. Almost everyone in the universe believed death was the end of everything. However, the revelation of the Shadowlands changed this.
    2. Elune letting the Night Elves be burned in Teldrassil is like a painful version of teleporting someone into another realm.
    3. This kind of confirms that the destruction and ruin of the Shadowlands is dangerous.
    4. Since the Shadowlands is open for Azeroth, Azerothians can pretty much visit their loved ones and friends.
    5. Elune will likely try to interfere in the events of the Shadowlands because the Great Cycle is broken.
    6. Elune and the Winter Queen made a powerful Tear of Elune.
    7. Elune might've used to be an Arbiter alongside Zovaal (Brother and Sister)

  2. wow story is one of the many reasons why ff14 is now the top mmo, seriously the enigmatic elune turns out to be an utterly dumbass they hyped her as a bigger being than the titans maybe one of the first ones, turns out that she may be from the pantheon of life of some shit blizz will put with the new cosmology wow lore is at his lowest point with every expansion, endwalker is gonna bury wow for good wow is dead and activision blizzard killed it

  3. So the implication is that Elune knew that Sylvanas was going to attack the Night Elves, allowed her to go through with it, and did it in an attempt to send souls to her chucklefuck sister. At the same time Elune didn't know that the souls would go to the Jailer, didn't contact, or speak with, her sister about this. This is despite the fact that Elune intrinsically knew that her sister needed a large number of souls at all

  4. Blizzard has been butchering nelf lore from Cata , from that , I'm aware . But Legion and now this are the final nail in the coffin for me ( scandals and PR disasters aside , and also being told me , the customer, is the problem) . All the massive retconning in Legion, Shadowlands and now this . It is obvious they don't read the lore they've written all this years , or are in an active process of destroying it . None of this is canon , NOTHING . Either way I'm glad I'm not subbed for either PR disasters and the huge dump of rotting garbage that is wow lore nowadays . I know is just a game , but is a game i was passionate and invested before even WoW . @Noone182 ty for your video and for saving me the sub money to witness this heap of burning and rotting trash . FOR TELDRASSIL.

  5. Why the fuck would Tyrande choose regrowth instead of vengeance? The whole reason she invoked her WAS vengeance. Why the fuck does Elune know about 'her pain', but not know ANYTHING about what is happening in the afterlife? Why the fuck did Elune let Sylvanas go?

    Blizzard, this don't make no sense. At all.


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