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The burrow mechanic reminds me of a FF14 fight. Pretty cool
no rogue lmao foreshadowing
Everything looks pretty well telegraphed. That’s great to see
Not a fan of the uldir vibes
Love to see warlocks on top baby
damn warlocks are gonna cook in this expansion
As a First boss its really good. Certainly a refreshing sight after gnarlroot. The pull in reminds me to eye boss in sanctum during SL, at least its not a deadly fall and defensives/immune are able to save you if things get dicey. I am glad to be a DK once again, as I have death advance and pre-asm should also work.
this boss honestly looks fun!
Okay play a warlock, got it
Kalamazi punching the air right now bc he wasent top dps. Get wrekt nerd.
This honestly looks like a really solid first boss. I hope the younger talent at blizzard really start to spread their wings and be creative in this new era. We've already seen that they are extremely receptive to feedback so now the test will be if they have the creative minds to make banger content.
I'm loving the clearer visuals on the charge. However, it seems like it might be ambiguous whether you're gonna get hit or not if you're on the edge. Fyrakk's p2 breath telegraph was perfect (when it didn't bug out).
Dippin needs to learn how to dip 😉
that fury damage xD
Is it just me or is this boss way too complicated for the very first boss of the new raid?!
If you break out of a root (web), does the DoT remain or does it also get cleared? If it gets cleared, Pally and Druid will be super delicious on this fight.
they use the tuaren male skeleton fo this mob
Oh boy a first boss with an intermission where you can't hit it. That's going to be fun on weeks 2-4 before it can be killed before it.
Why does warlock always needs to be a bit better than other dps classes 😅
Looks as boring as shadowlands😂😂
this looks like an extremely underwhelming arena.
Thanks dratnos
raid lockouts are still a thing?