Elwynn Forest – Gameplay, Part 1 | World of Warcraft Classic

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Character name: Sibella (level 1-6)
Race: Human Female (Alliance)
Class: Mage
Zone: Elwynn Forest, Northshire Valley
Quest hubs in: Northshire Abbey
Questing areas: Northshire Valley and Goldshire

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As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoW


39 thoughts on “Elwynn Forest – Gameplay, Part 1 | World of Warcraft Classic”

  1. I am working at the Legion stream program, but I took a few days off to start again the gameplays. It's very simple, back to basics.
    This is to address the needs of people who asked me for gameplays. I know it's not for everyone, and most of you are expecting just music and ambience, but I want create content for everyone who likes WoW. There are people who also ask me for ambience only videos, I am thinking of a solution there too. I am sorry it takes too much time.
    P.S.: I've also filmed the second part and I will release it in 2 days hopefully. (Edit: Done! Second part is here: https://youtu.be/UsfcLMUq8RQ )
    Do you like this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links below), subscribe. Do you want to further support my work? Details in the video description.

    Classic Gameplays playlist: http://tiny.cc/im50xy
    All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist: http://tiny.cc/zti5wy
    Livestream with Music & Ambience: https://www.youtube.com/Meisio/live
    With love,

  2. I know that I was amongst the people who mentioned these gameplay vids a time or two. So – thank You very, very much for your work, effort and time for making this one! I hope that you actually found a piece of joy making this one too! (And I'm surprised that you haven't chose a NE FE hunter. 😀 ) Thanks for your work and everything, keep up the good work! We love you!

  3. The first 50 seconds is probably one of those intros that let's you "reallyyyyyy" take in the environment. For a wierd reason it lowers down my anxiety. Really like what you do there everytime.

    Leveling videos are always fun to have while I'm at work.

  4. Love these Meisio, thank you for all your hard work on these!! Could I ask a silly question – what is that buff, with the black background and circle with land inside of it? Looks like Far Sight or something haha.

    Thanks again, looking forward to more of these!

  5. Vanilla gameplay videos are my favourite – I regularly go back and rewatch your Night Elf streams for comfort. Thank you so much, please continue making these! ❤️

  6. These videos are ao great, I'm glad I discovered them.
    I had to sell my PC a while ago to help fund the funeral cost for my grandma and while saving up for a new one, I like to get immersed in videos like yours. Pure nostalgia!


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