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I would like to welcome you all to a very special occasion! To celebrate 100 videos on this channel and a month until Dragonflight releases, I bring you a project I’ve been working on for a while – the entire history of the Warcraft Universe!
Warcraft is a rich universe with palette of all sorts of characters – ranging from demon lords to weird crystal creatures of pure light – we are covering them all today! This video will serve as a good recap of the whole story to prepare you for all new stories coming with Dragonflight. Every major event and character of Warcraft will be covered here. Considering the main story of Warcraft takes place over a few decades, the chapters will be marked with the specific year that event takes place in. Enjoy!
The First Ones (Eons Ago) 00:00
Zovaal, the First Arbiter (Eons Ago) 00:40
The Pantheon of Order (Eons Ago) 01:40
Ordering of Azeroth (Before Documented History) 02:22
Dawn of the Aspects (Before Documented History) 03:09
Sargeras’ Burning Crusade 05:13
Exiled Ones of Argus (13,000 Before Dark Portal) 06:50
Birth of Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes (3,000 BDP) 08:10
War of the Ancients (10,000 BDP) 09:14
Exile of the Highborne (7,300 BDP) 12:47
Aegwynn, The Guardian of Tirisfal (823 BDP) 13:52
Medivh, The Last Guardian (45-9 BDP) 14:50
Corruption of Orcs (8 BDP – 0 ADP) 15:30
Opening of the Dark Portal (Year 0) 18:06
First War (0-3 After Dark Portal) 18:29
Second War (4-7 ADP) 21:13
Beyond the Dark Portal (8 ADP) 26:58
Aftermath of the Second War (8-18 ADP) 30:01
Lord of the Clans (16-17 ADP) 30:42
Stormwind Rebuilt (8-18 ADP) 32:28
Third War (20-21 ADP) 33:41
Hunt for Illidan (22 ADP) 46:07
Blood Elves (22 ADP) 48:00
Plaguelands Civil War (22 ADP) 49:25
Arthas, the Lich King (22 ADP) 50:47
The Illidari (22 ADP) 52:21
New Status Quo (22-25 ADP) 52:56
The Missing King (25 ADP) 54:05
World After the Third War (25 ADP) 55:09
Lord of Outland (26 ADP) 55:51
Fury of the Sunwell (26 ADP) 59:14
Return of Varian Wrynn (26 ADP) 59:50
Reawakening of the Lich King (26-27 ADP) 1:00:46
Nexus War (27 ADP) 01:01:53
Wrathgate (27 ADP) 01:02:23
Secrets of Ulduar (27 ADP) 01:03:22
Fall of the Lich King (27 ADP) 01:03:43
Corruption of the Nightmare (27 ADP) 01:05:58
The Shattering (28 ADP) 01:06:56
Prophecies of Zovaal (28 ADP) 01:08:49
Cataclysm (28 ADP) 01:10:07
Fall of Deathwing (29 ADP) 01:12:31
Mists of Pandaria (30 ADP) 01:13:30
Trial of Garrosh (31 ADP) 01:16:50
Iron Horde (31 ADP, Main Timeline/4 BDP, Alternate Timeline) 01:17:39
Third Invasion of the Burning Legion (32-33 ADP) 01:22:16
Shadows of Argus (33 ADP) 01:26:40
Fourth War (33-34 ADP) 01:29:33
True Battle for Azeroth (35 ADP) 01:38:38
Breaking the Veil (35 ADP) 01:39:36
The Shadowlands Campaign (35-36 ADP) 01:40:07
Reawakening of the Dragon Isles (40 ADP) 01:51:18
To Be Continued… 01:51:25
Holy shit dude, this gonna be quite a journey 🙂 Thank you !
I gotta leave my mark here as being one of the earlier comments
Great watch
why… whyyyy did youtube recommend this to me at 1 am…
Excellent! I fall out of shadowlands and needed recap, now im more prone to try new expansion. Thanks a lot
Very good video, thank you for catching me up before DF, please make more 😀
Thanks for all your time. Must have been a lot of work putting this all together!
I love you for this! <3
2k views 20 comments… dang! Watching now
The sheer effort that must have been put to make this video.. thank you, I learned alot
Great Work! Thank you for good explanations. Now I must make WoW great again! ;-
Thank you so much. It was perfect. I had a lot of plots in the lore. Now everything is connected and makes sens!
It was amazing!! Thanks for your work!!
Thank you for this
Very disappointing no warcraft adventures visuals for lord of the clans.
Thanks for this! So much work