Everyone Is Buying World of Warcraft's Latest Microtransaction

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26 thoughts on “Everyone Is Buying World of Warcraft's Latest Microtransaction”

  1. "Why make or even update a game", right. I've been saying this for years. If they wish to continue this route and quell some of the hate than I would motion for time-played based subs instead of the currently frustrating monthly based deadline. So instead of your sub running out whether you had time to play or not…your money could actually go towards playing! Makes way too much sense.

  2. Another mount and a transmog to go with it, it's pretty sweet. I don't play anything else, I've never gotten into any other game. This is my one vice, so I buy the mounts and get the six month subs. I buy books. It's just my way of having fun. Others don't agree, so good, we all have opinions. I get tired of the "omg, you're buying the in-game stuff, you're awful."

  3. Great points here, something I wanna add is that, since there is no achievement needed to get them, what is someone really showing off when they get onto one of their store mounts in stormwind? The only thing thats comes to mind are that they are showing off their wallet, or their eagerness to be 'with the times' and not left out.

    To be fair some ppl just buy the store mount because it happens to match a tmog they are working on well, but I think that's relatively rare.

    If I get some big achievement that I worked for, then I'm gunna want to show it off with a mount perhaps, but at least then I'm showing off something I actually did. However I wonder if things like carries and bot farming has generally devalued everything, because if you look at someone on a gladiator mount today, do we know that they really are a gladiator? Or did they just pay for a carry?

    Maybe if the only way to get a good mount was to earn it, and then a store mount shows up, then people wouldn't desire it as much because they are more invested in the idea of a mount representing a true achievement

    btw I wouldn't say this storemount actually gives me goth girl vibes, it's too purple for that, but hey I'm not a goth girl so

  4. What disappoints me so much about this set is the fact that they could have made a cool IN GAME questline during the holiday to earn it, thus getting more game play and actually making players happy, but no. They have to go for a crappy (and unfortunately successful) cash grab. I refuse to get it until they start thinking of IN GAME content instead of this crap. Sadly there's not enough of us who will hold out to make a point. Too many people see something pretty and just throw their cash at it like the company wants.

  5. Commenters here really think this is a consumer issue and not a capitalism and corporate profit incentives issue… Kinda wild how many gamers lack basic analysis skills. The devs that made these sets would be totally fine with putting them in the game as a quest reward or TP and TP only. Just saying “dont buy it and we’ll win!” Well then they just dont even pay the devs to make these things in the first place. You aren’t going to get a CEO to accept less profits by trying some always failing consumer boycott. Sad reality we live in.

  6. Mounts have lost all value. I still remember grinding reputation through quests to unlock the ram on my human. I had to save up gold to buy the epic mount. When you saw a person riding a mount you knew what it took to get it. Now I see people riding store mounts and all I think is, "That person got scammed".


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