EVERYTHING Coming in the War Within Pre-Patch

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Videos & Resources
Class Changes (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/the-war-within-beta-development-notes/1870426/1)
War Within Pre-Patch Event (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkjI8w4vta0)
Leveling Changes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q34oloGxIZ8)
Riding/Flying Updates (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nGAdaeOMSk)
Warbands (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq1NlgB4zTA)
Transmog Updates (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miNZZiEUx6Q)

Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAe4_y0J_Ek)
Outro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg)

Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:23 Sponsor
01:20 Release Date
01:50 Pre-Patch Event
06:46 Levelling Updates
08:41 Flight Updates
11:48 Class Updates
12:18 Warbands
18:29 UI Updates
21:04 Guild Updates
21:32 Arachnophobia Mode
22:07 New Human Racial
22:34 Hearthstone Updates
22:45 Guard Updates
22:59 Final Thoughts & Outro


22 thoughts on “EVERYTHING Coming in the War Within Pre-Patch”

  1. any info if the raid awakened cycle stays, or if anything is going to be awakened? does the fyrakk mythic mount stays at 100% or will it go down to 1%? or is it happening with TWW release?

  2. 11:35 keeping the talent tree is a good idea, because players like to progress things, particularly trees like it. It's partly why a lot of players like the current and classic talent trees over the ones we had from MoP through Shadowlands.

    Yes, you learn everything by the time you get to max, but it's also a good way to letting players learn/choose what they're getting. It's one reason why I don't necessarily like how some spells and passives are just learned upon leveling. There's no effort behind it (sure there's no effort to getting the points for the skyriding tree, but there's still the act of having to choose and select which one you want).

    Letting players choose/select their next power/passive has a much bigger impact on the player than just making your character auto-learn it. For that, I hope they don't get rid of it.

  3. I've three questions:
    – How many characters we can create? Still 65?
    – How does warband work with multiple wow accounts on one bnet account? Are they still completely separated or combined now?
    – Level 60 til 70 required xp squish seems OP, so I guess leveling up character from 60 to 70 now (in either retail or mop remix) isn't worth it?

  4. I have some toons sitting at lvl 60 or low 60's. Im waiting for the reduced experience needed from 60-70 to apply before touching them. Anyone have an idea of when the pre-patch goes into effect so I can start working on those toons?

  5. The bank really needs to be changed in terms of how much each tab costs. The majority of the playerbase will not be able to use the last two. Just give us the space blizzard!

  6. the big question for me… can you have 2 Evokers on a server now when the pre-patch goes live.. Otherwise.. That evokers start at level 10 is just.. idiotic. Because it … feels a bit to early. But what do i know. Im just an altoholic that wants another Evoker on my main server.


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