War Within Alpha is HERE! – The Good, The Bland, and the BASIC

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War Within’s Alpha is here! Today we roundup everything we got to check out during the first week such as Delves, Warbands, the Isle of Dorn and of course the Hero Talents. If you want a more in-depth look at these features, check out our videos covering them on The Daily Preach channel:

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00:00 – Warbands
01:58 – Delves
06:48 – Hero Talents
11:24 – Isle of Dorn


24 thoughts on “War Within Alpha is HERE! – The Good, The Bland, and the BASIC”

  1. Right I enjoy your content but stop incorrectly using my name. You are an intelligent man and therefore don't need to use the word incorrectly which is why the 1st and true meaning was changed so unless you ment the good the smooth and the basic use better language x

  2. As a PoE player and someone who played classic as a sweat until Mid Woltk. If I find out everything above Delve allows me to just live in Delve and not do any other content I will literally play this

  3. If they make getting keys have to do with anything besides the delve itself, I'm out. I just don't care enough anymore and I'm tired of feeling like playing wow is more like work.

  4. its been since the first tier in shadow lands since ive played…….im kinda bored and i want a multiplayer type game i cand play. i plan to start wow again this month

  5. I haven’t watched the video yet but the biggest “feature” warbands isn’t even that glamorous.

    Its more like a quality of life thing and it legit doesn’t effect any gameplay outside of making grinding abit easier. Like wheres the meat and potatoes.

    People keep talking about warbands like its this new way to play when its just a new login and transmog / achievements are all cross race and such.

    Like what this is it?

  6. I'm still seeing nothing that really amazes me with these wow expansions. It's still the same stuff, a new zone, a new level cap and a new crisis. When are they going to learn that not every expansion has to introduce some big bad villain or a bunch of leveling zones that will be outdated in the near future, like the many many many leveling zones from previous expansions that are gathering dust. How about updating those Northrend leveling zones now that the Lich King has been gone for over a decade, what has happened to the Outlands since our crusade against the Legion? Why is Theramore still a ruin? Why are there still trees burning with the fires of Deathwing!? FFS stop adding new zones and work with what you have, I mean just look at how terrible the new player experience is. This game died because it isn't about the WORLD in Warcraft anymore, whereas in classic it's all about that.

  7. I hope they add more options for visual control. I can't be bothered seeing huge wings on demon hunters or all the horses from the death knights. There should be a transparency alpha that the player can adjust. Same as corpses that block the spells on the ground you have to avoid. You literally can't see them in dragonflight when a big dragon dies and pools spawn beneath them. Terrible game design and should have been fixed years ago.

  8. I actually prefer NOT having more buttons with hero talent, some spec already have about 15 ability in a rotation. I wish to focus more on the game rather than my spell bar

  9. didnt they say 1-5 players? for delves. so, im pretty sure you can do all rewards in a group, too. like Thorghast was. Yeh, that WILL lead for boosting nonsense once again, and people rather but tokens for gold and but their rewards instead of having to do something that requires some sort of skill, like mage towers did. if this is the case, I will not even bother with these delves dungeons. no reason if the rewards can just be bought with tokens/gold anyway. (IN GAME) only incentive dead on arrival

  10. I really hope delves will not become the second M+ (NO MORE TIMERS!).
    I would love to be able to play at my own pace (especially solo) and just cassualy run through while also getting a nice reward at the end.
    You could, however have timers just for the leaderboards.

  11. How the story and side quests tho? Sweet Baby Inc-ed to the whazooo?
    I used to play the f out of every new expansion zone, fully completing all exploration and side quests because i'd get so immersed and focused and i loved the world even in expansions considered bad (like WoD or BfA) DF was first where i was completely yanked out of that experience with obvious in your face 2020s USA/California identity politics, I've played WoW since release, I quit few days into DF, was cosidering quitting already in SL tbf, but the woke shit in DF was the straw that broke the camel's back, WoW obviously isn't for me anymore.
    Metzen announcing new expansions was kinda cool, gave me hope, but then you realize he's only one dude, Blizzard is infected top to bottom with gender studies majors, and has been for a while, so there's probably no way to steer that ship back to cool medieval fantasy theme.

  12. Chromie time, tiered dungeons like Diablo and stat scaling are why I quit after 10 years +
    Tiered dungeons are for gatekeepers and make the game stressful – I've got enough stress with work as it is.


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