EVERYTHING TO DO At Max Level and What To Do FIRST

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There’s a lot to do at max level in Shadowlands, so lets talk about everything you can do, and what to do first.
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33 thoughts on “EVERYTHING TO DO At Max Level and What To Do FIRST”

  1. Will the Stygia you collected expire if you have to get out of the Maw from Curse of the Jailer before turning it in, or can you just bank it all and turn it in whenever you remember?

  2. Sorry but you just start talking about torgast as if we should know wtf it is or how to even find it. what the fuck? are you just trying to show us that you know things or show us how to do things?

  3. As a casual player who is unlikely to ever raid, there are only 2 covenants that I would even consider – Venthyr or Necrolord. These are the only 2 zones that have been tolerable so far, and I assume that doing things for the covenant requires going back to the respective zone (I assume this but am not sure since I just hit 60). Even though Night Fae is supposed to be best for my hunter, I couldn't wait to get through with that zone and would not be sad if I never had to go back there again. Absolutely horrendous look to the zone (like Ashenvale on candy-coated steroids) and the storyline just seemed phoned in. Besides, no self-respecting orc would ever be a Night Fae. I'd rather be eaten by my own pet. Venthyr zone had a great story and look, but the Necrolord abilities seem a bit better (although the Venthyr blink is kind of cool), so it's a tough choice.

  4. Honestly at first all of the new systems hit you in the face like a sucker punch and you are overwhelmed by this new wave of tons and tons of stuff to do. But after you clear that learning curve, everything falls into place in such a nice way that you get to choose on what to progress without getting too far behind on other stuff. And honestly it’s a pretty fun grind so far, i’m having a blast. Though i don’t see myself getting stuff done on an alt for now, i see how it can be kinda easy but at the same time it would get VERY time consuming.


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