A cinematic that plays at the start of the War Within Pre-Patch week 2, recapping the major events of Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands and Dragonflight.
Makes a nice change that they want the lore to exist in game and outside of the books for once. I believe more people will feel part of the story this way.
I am glad they mentioned shadowlands. Everyone keeps whining about how it should not be canon, and I think that's stupid. It happened, it was bland, I get it, but seriously, get over it already. So tired of people bitching about it.
Was expecting them to aknowledge the time skip between shadowlands and Dragonflight. This does kinda show on the other hand how all over the place the lore has been recently
I'm really invested in fighting someone who begged the previous Bad Guy for crumbs of power. If we can slap N'zoth, and he's leagues more powerful than Xal'atath, what does that tell you exactly?
Nobody cares about crybaby Anduin and his PTSD from actually having to do a single thing in the plot. Blizz, stop trying to make him a character. He just ain't and you can only blame yourselves for it.
Anduin's story works because he was very frustrated with the behavior of the people around him and the people on the other side of the faction, so there's a part of him that actually enjoyed what he had done to his friends when he was being mind-controlled, to be able to lash out this anger. But for most players, his struggle is just because he is mad at himself for the actions when he was being mind-controlled, so many people are very impatient with his story and just want him to get over it already. Blizzard had an opportunity to make his story clearer in this in-game cinematic, but they didn't take advantage of it, what a shame.
Bad narrative. There's no mention of the 11 various quests that involve making an animal poop, collecting poop, or generally digging in poop that occur between the end of Legion and the start of War Within. I mean there's just no way someone at Blizzard would sit down and write out quests that have us handling poop 11 times unless these events were absolutely crucial, right?
Great recap of all the past expansions. Looks like we finally got caught up now with the current events unless I forgot about Sargeras, Scourge in Northrend after the Shadowlands and etc.
I'd just like to thank everyone for beta testing prepatch, and war within for me. I might resubscribe by December after they've got most of the dumpster fire extinguished.
I know Earl Boen passed away, but man… i wish they had used AI or something to bring his voice back for this.
Shadowlands shouldn't be canon anymore. SL ruined WC3 story and shitted on Arthas.
I can’t believe there’s a recap trailer, for the first time, EVER!!!!
This is a best recap, specially Nozdormu rarrating the events
1:32 Starcraft 2 Lotv soundtrack!
Makes a nice change that they want the lore to exist in game and outside of the books for once. I believe more people will feel part of the story this way.
Damn dude after BFA story of the game really took a dive for the worse. I hope they can fix it.
This naration should Have Been in full chi cinematic fot Xpack launch
Narrated by Metzen?
shadowlands tldr: Anduin got ptsd from the events of the shadownlands.
we as player can understand this
Why is the volume so low? I had to turn it up quite high just to hear anything.
I am glad they mentioned shadowlands. Everyone keeps whining about how it should not be canon, and I think that's stupid. It happened, it was bland, I get it, but seriously, get over it already. So tired of people bitching about it.
This kind of recap is going to be required going forward :).
Remember my comment. I bet iridikron and illidan will fight one day.
so glad they ditched the jailer in the recap
I want to watch this cinematic again, does anybody know where can I do In game?
Was expecting them to aknowledge the time skip between shadowlands and Dragonflight. This does kinda show on the other hand how all over the place the lore has been recently
So shadowlands was a filler?
Seeing this really just hammers home how disjointed the lore has been tbh. All over the place.
spanish soap opera writing tier
And then and then and then and then
I'm really invested in fighting someone who begged the previous Bad Guy for crumbs of power. If we can slap N'zoth, and he's leagues more powerful than Xal'atath, what does that tell you exactly?
Nobody cares about crybaby Anduin and his PTSD from actually having to do a single thing in the plot. Blizz, stop trying to make him a character. He just ain't and you can only blame yourselves for it.
Anduin's story works because he was very frustrated with the behavior of the people around him and the people on the other side of the faction, so there's a part of him that actually enjoyed what he had done to his friends when he was being mind-controlled, to be able to lash out this anger. But for most players, his struggle is just because he is mad at himself for the actions when he was being mind-controlled, so many people are very impatient with his story and just want him to get over it already. Blizzard had an opportunity to make his story clearer in this in-game cinematic, but they didn't take advantage of it, what a shame.
Thanks for posting this, my wow brain automatically insta-skipped it in-game
Bad narrative. There's no mention of the 11 various quests that involve making an animal poop, collecting poop, or generally digging in poop that occur between the end of Legion and the start of War Within. I mean there's just no way someone at Blizzard would sit down and write out quests that have us handling poop 11 times unless these events were absolutely crucial, right?
This crashed my game upon launch, how do i see this in game again?
Remember when this IP was about two factions warring? Not this cosmic BS?
Good recap video 👍. No need to say anything about the Jailer
Great recap of all the past expansions. Looks like we finally got caught up now with the current events unless I forgot about Sargeras, Scourge in Northrend after the Shadowlands and etc.
The first 12 seconds is nice then it crashed my game every time >.>
How to rewatch this ingame?
I love locus walker,s trailer model, so good! CHAMPION, the world cries out in pain,the woons 😁
I'd just like to thank everyone for beta testing prepatch, and war within for me.
I might resubscribe by December after they've got most of the dumpster fire extinguished.