EVERYTHING We Know About Patch 9.2 – New Zone, Tier Sets Return & The End of Shadowlands

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Patch 9.2 has finally been revealed. We’re going to get a new zone, tier sets will return, and 9.2 is the end of shadowlands. Lets go through everything we know so far.
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45 thoughts on “EVERYTHING We Know About Patch 9.2 – New Zone, Tier Sets Return & The End of Shadowlands”

  1. I think they are just trying to wrap this shit show up. Which fair enough I guess. I just hope for the next expo they just completely start from scratch. If they have to rework the game as a whole so be it. But I love this game and I want them to put out a product we can all enjoy. Your videos are so helpful dude thank you!

  2. Shadowlands till 9.0.5 : The expansion I was most excited about ever since Wrath & absolutely loved playing through. Arthas drew me in but there was a ton more that made me stay. The plot, art, mechanics, enhancements & QoL changes… there was nothing I didn't feel positive about.
    Shadowlands now : The expansion I dislike most for how they've butchered the lore, served minimal content & that there doesn't seem to be any hope for improvement. Dev team themselves not sure about what do with the lore & want to get done with Shadowlands as soon as possible. 😔

  3. I am not gonna bother with 9.2. I will play a few times and maybe LFR the raid once then just be done with Shadowlands. I am glad that this expansion is near its end. I hope that the reason why this expansion is so half baked is because they are working hard on 10.0, but since we already gave Blizzard the benefit of the doubt from BfA, I doubt that its the case this time. The fact of the matter that they are still trying to make this expansion canon to the overall story is just embarrassing. They have been trying to shoe horn in a crap ton of poorly written stories that have some connection to the past. They are almost intentionally making the old games and expansions we all know and loved worse because of this story writing. What kind of drugs did the new Blizzard team take when they made this stuff up? I do not understand how a group of people who have never played the game before can make the game and think its good. For f*ck sake Blizzard… just do it f*cking right!

  4. By the sounds of it this is the end times of WoW with a new beginning after. Oddly also feels like the end times in RL, hopefully a new beginning in RL coming soon as well.

  5. Alien? The new zone looks like it came from the Lightforged Draeni. The tier sets are uninspiring in their looks. They're not bad but they're not great either. I don't know if I'll come back for 9.2. I've already sat out most of the expansion already after already being overwhelmed by all the frustrating grinds (kind of ironic since I have mostly been playing TBC)

  6. I just wish they could get into their heads that all the time they waste on systems they could instead make more content that we actually want to play. Dungeons, raids, zone storylines etc.
    Also, we unlock the forge of creation, an engine so powerful that it can create fucking WORLDS, and we use it to make fancy armour..

  7. It really "took balls" to make that zone.

    Player: No new complicated and convoluted systems please.
    Blizzard "Devs": Hold my beer… How's your decryption skills?

  8. Why do we keep saying, "if the devs learned their lesson from.."? the devs never learn their lesson. The game has become a flood of things to do from the time and xpac dops to a time grind by the end of the life of it, standard formula. In my experience, the problem is that a lot of people get overwhelmed by the amount of content and work that has to be done and end up slowly dropping off logging in for months until they're not really playing at all. then three quarters of the way through the xpac, they start to come back to experience the end of it only to find that it's time sink again and then eventually bail until the next xpac release.
    I think the devs need to find a middle ground between offering so much to do that you feel overwhelmed, and not offering content fast enough to please the masses. I am not a game developer, but you kind of have to read your player base and it feels more and more like the player base is getting older and doesn't have hours upon hours to pour into the game and maybe the content should be spread out a little more; but what do I know?

  9. Just checking in to verify that I am definitely not returning for 9.2… I cannot stand all of the grinding reps/dailies, conflicting game systems that don't respect player time investment, and INSANE timegating of literally every piece of content. If I want to play 30 hours straight I should have 30 hours of progress. I usually come to play the point zero patches because it has a new round of M+ dungeons to learn, new equipment, new systems, new quests, new areas etc.. but even just a few months in I usually fall right back off because there is basically NO new mythic+ content after the initial patch. I know they have a mythic mega dungeon now.. but the iLvl of that is retarded low compared to M+ gear so it's useless for its entire first patch. Then by the time it becomes two M+ dungeons I've already quit. Idk, I think Blizz needs to seriously rethink their formula. When I was playing 2-3 characters in BFA I literally felt like I was working a full time job.. and it stressed me out so much I left.

  10. Ending the xpac early and in a super rush, just as they did with WoD (not surprising since they've hemorrhaged players by the millions, thanks to people finally waking up and seeing that WoW is actually a toxic abusive relationship – Blizz claims "we've learned from our mistakes and will do better in the future we promise" every patch every xpac, yet things never change and just get worse, and the abused players always believe the lies and go crawling back into the hell that WoW now is)
    More pointless time-gated systems on top of systems on top of systems that all only impact the current patch and will be made useless or entirely removed next patch/xpac
    There is never going to be any form of permanent character power growth ever again – no new talents, no new permanent spells or passives – everything is this-xpac-only borrowed power from Legion onward
    Tier sets look like low quality leveling greens and have next to zero class oriented look to them, literally the only bit even remotely interesting is the light-shadowed Rogue hood, everything else look like trash – also I hate that they're still trying to push the shit decision to tie armor sets to current content aesthetic instead of class fantasy
    New zone is supposed to be "totally alien and incapable of being understood by mortals" yet it's literally just Nagrand and Vol'dun with "construct" normal Earth animals running around and the same old boring Titan ruins scattered about
    Story is in more shambles than ever thanks to Blizz having the most incompetent writers on the planet – build-up? character growth? suspense? what are those? here is new big bad one patch, kill that big bad next patch, next patch after that here is new actual big bad that was manipulating last big bad from behind the scenes the whole time even though there was never even the tiniest inkling of this new super big bad ever existing before this moment, we're "recontextualizing" this one into existence just now out our ass
    Also, they literally contradicted themselves with soulbinds – Ion said in an interview there would be nothing changed or new for soulbinds for the rest of the xpac, but then in the 9.2 video they say there will be
    The new Darkmoon Faire minigame is not the old Dance Studio, the Wrath reveal promised Dance Studio was to allow the players to customize their characters' dance animation, this new thing is just another DMF mini-game

  11. It's actually depressing how much they retconned for this xpac to make sense but it still doesn't make any sense. I have no idea about sl lore at this point and the problem is i'm also not interested with sl lore and i don't think 9.2 will fix that.

  12. Korthia was a mistake.
    I did kill Sylvanas on HC, did KSM, had decent m score, parse etc. months before Tier4 Archivist reputation. I've stopped playing, didn't even finish that tier rep grind, and I'm not going back till 9.2 announcement date.

  13. `wrong about talking about closing a chapter of warcraft they were just referring to how shadowlands ties alot of threads from warcraft 3 with sylvanis, uther that sort of thing and now the shadowlands chapter is closing and a new chapter is beginning

  14. I can't help but to think that a couple years back that "shadow lands leak" was legit and blizzard had to scramble to change everything up, simple stuff like the expansion being all over the place, anduins being corrupted and a raid boss as that "leak" suggested for that matter, idk just a thought


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