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Hello all!
Welcome to another World of Warcraft – Shadowlands glitch video! Today, we tackle the Scarlet Monastery. A while back, I showed off what I discovered in the Scarlet Halls, and back then, I made a promise to myself that I would come back and try to glitch out of bounds in the Scarlet Monastery. Well, finally, I did it, and it was one of the hardest areas to find a suitable method of breaking out of bounds. I’m glad I was patient though.
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Horsemology’s video:
Scarlet Halls Video:
Kamogawa Dreaming by South London HiFi
Distant Lands by Hanu Dixit
Feels good to finally release the "sequel" to the Scarlet Halls!
It's so interesting to see the little details. Like do you think a bored dev puts a rock down out of bounds and is like "I'm gonna do this because nobody will ever see it! Ehheheheh"
Because I think that'd be me as a dev lol