FERAL BURST DAMAGE IS CRAZY! – Feral Druid PvP – Shadowlands Beta (World of Warcraft: Shadowlands)

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Hopped onto the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Beta to try out some more feral druid PvP! At the moment, feral druid burst is insane and can do some crazy damage!

Make sure to follow me on Twitch to catch me live! At the moment, I’m focusing on feral druid PvP on the Shadowlands beta and feral druid leveling on Classic WoW!


24 thoughts on “FERAL BURST DAMAGE IS CRAZY! – Feral Druid PvP – Shadowlands Beta (World of Warcraft: Shadowlands)”

  1. Great vid bro. Just one question, sometimes i dont see adaptative swarm on enemy's debuff icons, dont you use it everytime its off cd ? Some plays you didnt use it in the first opener combo. Tell me more about that.

  2. How do you make 12.000+ Crits? As the Testserver opend for me (about a month ago), I did up to over 15.000+ Crits on the trainings dummy. But now the damage is halfed!! Why? What happend???

  3. LOL, maybe this is the feral shine time! also the dislikes this video got were by the people you merked lol. They were ashamed to die to a feral. But he isnt just your average Catman . GG bro thanks for reassuring the feral dream is still alive


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