First Official Look At The 5th OLD GOD! Xal'atath's REAL ENDGAME!

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Xal’atath didn’t come to get a nerubian army in Threads of Destiny, there is something much more at play here! Get amazing deals with my discount code ‘DORON’
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

The new short shows Xal’atath converting the nerubians, not a big deal just cool little artwork to hype up the expansion but there is so much more in this video when you really examine it. Xal’atath didn’t come here to get an army, she is not trying to fight us, she is looking to complete the prophecy from Dragonflight that by the way turned out completely right and only 2 lines are yet to happen. You can see the 5th Old God in the video and Xal’atath herself teleports right through the void crystal in the mural itself.

Nerubians are either building a tentacle from Old God remains to create a new body for Xal’atath or the Void awakened Azeroth, OR they are extracting blood from the defeated 5th Old God to awaken Azeroth as a void monster which by the way is going to happen as we are going into Midnight. This is going to be the biggest event in all of wow history, so what is Xal’atath really doing?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


28 thoughts on “First Official Look At The 5th OLD GOD! Xal'atath's REAL ENDGAME!”

  1. Once again great video Dorons, totally support this theory. More and more we get to see what Xalatath is, when Blizz was asked if she is old god they said she was “something more”.
    But she did say her bretheren betrayed her before black empire era/at start of it.
    By brethren she obviously meant other old gods. And more and more since then we have been told that 5th old god exists but it disappeared during black empire, was not defeated but rather “disappeared”. Thats when xalataths soul was bound to that knife.

    We dont know EXACTLY what happened but this is the right track for sure, she will get new body very very soon.

  2. Xal'atath (present) IS timetraveling azshara (past) who is a time traveling 5th old god (future), it's pretty simple really. why else would they pull this timetraveling remix outta nowhere 😄

  3. I think the tentacle is a piece of an Old God. The reason is that the cinematic shows a Nerubian, next to the tentacle, filling purple blood into a vial. The blood is what they use to transform themselves into more humanoid beings.

  4. Technically, there could be six old gods in total. They imprisoned 5 according to Deathwing, yet that would only account for C'thun, Yogg-Saron, and N'Zoth. Y'Shaarj was killed and I would hardly call his heart being in protected storage "imprisoned"

  5. did you notice how the Princess grew a human Nose after allying with Xalatah?
    what type of magic does this normaly to? Arcane magic. the power of the Well of eternity transformed trolls into elfes, creating more human like faces.

  6. I know some people may disagree but I think the prophecy: Five keys to open the way, five torches to light our path" is the aspect oath stones but not in the way that everyone else thinks. If you think about it, the Dark Heart is the key to the void invasion. If so, why didn't Deathwing go and get it since he created it, he knew where it was. But since the isles were hidden, he couldn't. The void invasion couldn't happen unless the dragon isles were revealed and the Oath stones being restored was just a necessary step in the grand plan. When the prophecy says Five keys to open the way, its not saying it will literally start the void invasion, it's saying it will open up the possibility of a void invasion. Maybe this means if the dragon isles never got revealed, the void could have never invaded in the future.

  7. I assume if Xalatath completes the ritual she basically will invite the Dimensius to consume the whole of Azeroth and that will be ultimate apocalypse for Azeroth, so who knows maybe by Midnight it will be too late to save Azeroth as Dimensius will already be there

  8. I think they will infect alleria with the hunger of galakrond and she'll not realize that absorbing xal'atath will kill her and give xal a superpowered body. This death achieved and with their combined powers plus the insatiable hunger will result in Xal'atath breaking free from Dimensius as I am assuming she is attempting to do. Then absorb Azeroth to become whatever is above a Void Lord.

  9. One reason why i disagree with xal being 5th old god is because she clearly as you said serve dimensius and as we know old gods are just void being which work for their personal interests. In my opinion in khaz algar is the primordial most powerful old god and only his essence is enough to summon dimensius and convert azeroth

  10. So there is a massive problem with you guess of Azeroth becoming a void creature, while she has been poisoned with void look at the life she makes aka the players and the NPCs over 99% of them are not touched by the void and the ones that are well they are exposed to it from the outside.

    If Azeroth dose awaken then it will be as something else not void or light or Arcane but something in between something neutral and immensely powerful it’s the only thing that makes sense from an out of game setting as if she becomes a void thing that’s wow dead and blizzard won’t let that happen, if she becomes light or Arcane then it shifts the balance of power making it so the void isn’t a danger anymore and we’re out of all but one bad guy that bad guy been the light, yes they are just as evil as the void.

  11. No official look at the old god again… Like all your videos before then overly using the same short vids and cuts… You where right a lot back in the day and honest, but it looks like you are filling up the content to keep up the pace…

    Just saying my look at your content. Only speculations and old video cuts are brought up. I loved your channel Doron, like many still do and probably see otherwise. Wish you good luck in the future where ever it may bring you. ❤ It’s not for me anymore.

  12. Is it just me or does Warcraft lore feel like a giant clusterfuk ever since chronicle. Like I honestly miss when the cosmology was simple and the two most powerful cosmic forces was the Titans and the old gods. With it's being employed that the old gods were actually more powerful than the Titans. If I was in charge of writing the story I would have had the old gods be the ultimate villains of the series. With all the expansions building up to their return. With possibly Is it just me or does Warcraft lore feel like a giant clusterfuk ever since chronicle. Like I honestly miss when the cosmology was simple and the two most powerful cosmic forces was the Titans and the old gods. With it's being employed that the old gods were actually more powerful than the Titans. If I was in charge of writing the story I would have had the old gods be the ultimate villains of the series. With all the expansions building up to their return. With possibly azeroth being an old God instead of a Titan. Since azeroth sounds similar to azathoth


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