Frost DK TSG With a Disc Priest OWNS! 9.0.5 Shadowlands PvP

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Here are some Frost DK/Arms Warr/Disc Priest 3v3 games I’ve played recently! Twitch –​​​​​ Twitter …


9 thoughts on “Frost DK TSG With a Disc Priest OWNS! 9.0.5 Shadowlands PvP”

  1. first, awesome keeping the uploads coming everyday man! I’ve learned a lot from ya for my DK. I’m Wonderbread if ya remember I followed you on twitch and was watching one of ur livestreams the other night. You’re the shit!

  2. How does this compare to the new Necro warrior / pally / healer with the 400 mastery buff banner gives? I feel like it would just be unhealable damage. Debating on staying venth with my warrior or switching Necro. I realize you're DK but just wondering your opinion since you play with warrior


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