Read more about Shadowlands ➜
Here are some Frost DK/Arms Warr/Disc Priest 3v3 games I’ve played recently! Twitch – Twitter …
Read more about Shadowlands ➜
Here are some Frost DK/Arms Warr/Disc Priest 3v3 games I’ve played recently! Twitch – Twitter …
first, awesome keeping the uploads coming everyday man! I’ve learned a lot from ya for my DK. I’m Wonderbread if ya remember I followed you on twitch and was watching one of ur livestreams the other night. You’re the shit!
#HOGE Finance get in or get left behind 🚀🚀🚀🌑
You are insane!
I just love how calm you are I'm usually shouting like a mad man 😅👌
"We actually win on mana here soon."
-Disc priest is oom…. lol
What about some in depth stuff bout walking dead? Am back into pvp after getting glad in cataclysm as shadowcleave. Running walking dead now but there is barely any info out there onnthe comp.
Jenny Craig is the 1 dislike
How does this compare to the new Necro warrior / pally / healer with the 400 mastery buff banner gives? I feel like it would just be unhealable damage. Debating on staying venth with my warrior or switching Necro. I realize you're DK but just wondering your opinion since you play with warrior
song 4:31?))