Fury Incarnate In-Game Cinematic | Dragonflight | World of Warcraft

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The Incarnates have a new target in their sights, but to claim it they must infiltrate the Emerald Dream. With his prize just out of reach, Fyrakk’s ravenous ambition begins to burn dangerously untamed.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight – Fury Incarnate launches September 5, 2023 PDT.

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48 thoughts on “Fury Incarnate In-Game Cinematic | Dragonflight | World of Warcraft”

  1. Fyrakk look and voice is just so good. Really get the feeling hes borderline insane, even more now after he consumed shadowflame.
    Man these villains are good, kinda cheer for em.

  2. Ok so these guys may not actually be the villians. Fyrakk defo is mind you madness has grabbed him. But the incarnets seek to destroy the titans. Who their has been breadcrumbs that they have lied and manipulated all life on azeroth to stick to their plan.

  3. Dragonflight ROCKS ALL THE WAY , just ♥ it . Wish if They do DF2 RAS an next expansion rather than Cosmic, Universe, Space time continuum battle or whatever might be heading our way, I. E. Voidy poraty sailor ing thingy . That's just my opinion I'd love to see more Dragons related stories and stuffs . < ALLY OF DRAGONS > by far the best WoW title they could come up with and put in game.


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