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The Shadowlands fury warrior guide is finally here! Learn all about talents, soulbinds, gear, stats, the shadowlands fury warrior rotation and priority, covenants and last but not least, the best shadowlands fury warrior legendaries. This spec has risen as we moved further into the season becoming a very potent melee spec for both raids and dungeons. You cannot negate the smooth feel it has and man is the shadowlands fury warrior dungeon gameplay fun. Raid si too, but in m+ you just get more out of it due to the aoe capabilities it has. So, you wanna learn how to play fury warrior? Watch our fury warrior guide until the end and stick to MarcelianOnline for all your Shadowlands class guides 🙂
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I don't play warrior at all, never have… but I hovered over the video and saw you guys wearing something WEIRD so I had to click lol
Lmao that intro!
maybe i missed it but did he say anythign about titan gripping or single minded is best?
Proper Outlaw Rogue guide plz
Won't Bladestorm here also work with the Bladestorm leggo? I was mainly Arms but I switched to Fury as I farm the soul ash for the Signet leggo. Seems the Bladestorm leggo can also work for this spec.
"You dirty little dps!" Made me laugh, I needed a laugh. Thank you.
They still have a way to go imo. Nice intro btw
Yes!!!! Been waiting for this!
Fury is terrible lol.
it is better with two one handed weapons or with two two handed weapons ?
Too bad u will never have a chance for m+ and raid (pugs) with warrior. I dont get why this class always sucked ass the past 2-3 expansion
Warrior main for life!
Frost DK at the bottom of the barrel 🙁 still waiting for a guide
0:53 and enchantment, and food buff, and alchemical needs 👩🔬
I love you guys lol.
awesome guide, thanks! The intro rocks:)!
This is litterly the first expac where warrior is not my main character.
Always have and will always love fury, but these days i find other speccs more interesting.
Miss it at times but im not a huge fan of the "haste based" gameplay anymore.
if ure playin smf build even the talent war machine is op 20% more rage from auto att…
I know they aren’t anywhere near the top in the tier list… but any chance of an arms guide? I just love the animations of arms too much. Also, amazing intro btw 😂
I see that you use a pretty 'clean' interface, plz, could you tell me what addons do you usually use? Thx
This intro was so amazing!
I went necrolord…feels bad 😅
Blizzard pls nerf korayn soulbind i already have two fairy sparkly alts D:
19:00 how to use second bladestorm?
Nice video! Just a quick note that, if you proc Bladestorm off of Signet as Fury, that Bladestorm will have the Arms ability duration which lasts longer than the Fury one. Doesn't really matter most of the time, but a simple /cancelaura Bladestorm on any of your other abilities' key-binds can come in handy if you really want to optimise DPS (as mentioned) or need to stop a cast. Also, instead of canceling Bladestorm to pop Rampage, I found that in some occasions you can sneak in a "free" Ignore Pain and still get out of Bladestorm with enough rage to Rampage immediately, or at worst after 1 global spent using Whirlwind (which you kinda want to do anyway). I have never received explicit appreciation, but I am sure that healers find it useful on stuff like Pride when there is continuous unavoidable damage coming in!
The only thing I would suggest you try is dual Sinful. I've been running and simming dual sinful and in ST it seems to do more than sin/celestial
17:11 thanks for the laughs, happened to me xD
No mention of SMF vs Titans Grip?
Wow that intro was pure genius 😂
So what IS the best way to get weapons? So far I've only got PVP, which can be increased to ilv 197. Beyond that, what is the most effective way to arm (lol) a fury warrior?
Name a more iconic duo than Broom and Mop
Please don’t do that intro again lol
Was waiting on this guide- thanks guys!!! Much love from a long term fury warrior that's always looking to improve~
I'm so glad to see fury is in a better place than it was at the start of the expansion. Not great, but definitely better than it was!
I would very much like to receive information about pvp from you, because I only trust and like you! <3
lmao that intro though…LOVE IT!