FURY WARRIOR IN 3v3 ARENA?! (Hilarious Crits) – WoW Shadowlands 9.0 Warrior PvP

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Music by Berserkyd

Music by Epidemic Sound


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25 thoughts on “FURY WARRIOR IN 3v3 ARENA?! (Hilarious Crits) – WoW Shadowlands 9.0 Warrior PvP”

  1. Have you tested unhinged for fury? I heard it works very well in pvp. I’m currently using using sephuz’ and idk how I feel about it I find the fury legendaries so underwhelming compared to arms, but fury is too much fun🙌

  2. I've always just had hamstring macro'd to charge as it frees up a button and is used pretty frequently after charge anyways.

    Actually, my charge macro is a hybrid charge, intervene, hamstring, and blade storm cancelling macro all in one.


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