GAMER REACTS to World of Warcraft: Reckoning + Shadowlands Cinematics

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14 thoughts on “GAMER REACTS to World of Warcraft: Reckoning + Shadowlands Cinematics”

  1. Sylvanas made a pact with Jailer, one of the most powerful entities in WoW universe. She opens a rip in reality to enter shadowlands which is the warcraft version of afterlife to get jailer free.
    There actually is a Warcraft movie made in 2016. Its okay and seems like it can be watched from Amazon Prime. The story follows the first warcraft game when orcs arrived to Azeroth. Hope you watch and react to that movie!

  2. You should watch the Warbringer series which consists of Sylvannas, Jaina, and Azshara. Those will explain the backstory of the three most powerful females in Warcraft lore.

  3. She had a tragic backstory and a redemption in the original Warcraft 3. But in WoW she has been a background character till they decided to thrust her to the forefront. Then tried, and failed, to vilify her in BFA. She is badly written and poorly executed. Bolvar, the Lich King in this trailer, was a High Lord of Stormwind before this. Years of experience as a warrior and 10 years supressing and controlling the undead scourge. Sylvanas got a powerup here for no real good reason.

  4. She won this battle because she was infused with a power of the Jailer,almost a godlike entity…if it was none of that it wouldve been alot more interesting,but in the end Saurfang did what he wanted,he got his honorable death and he stopped a war,with potentially massive casualties by sacrificing himself (oh and in the Mak'gora duel,its supposed to be fight 1v1 withwout any magic thingies,so i guess in that regard she did cheat in the end,since he pissed her off)

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  6. Let me warn you about something: arround Sylvanas everything is polemical; she cheated/she not, she has good intentions/she's pure evil, she gained powers from nowhere/her powers were growing gradually, she is poorly written/her story is good and complex.
    If you ask me, she's on character: A honorable person who was killed, tortured and transformed into an undead Banshee, who died 2 more times and tasted Hell first hand….
    I wonder how much sanity she has left.
    The true is: She's a concecuence. The greater forces of the universe are fighting a war against each other, and we mortals are the pawns in their board.
    The Lich King, Sylvanas, the undead… it's all surrounded by tragedy and suffering.


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