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This week on the podcast, Dodger and Jesse take a look at the Gamescom Accounments, as well as talk about the Newest World of Warcraft Expansion, and World War I Re-enactments?
Are you ready to geek out this weekend? Join Jesse and Dodger on the Geekenders podcast as they bring you the ultimate dose of geekiness. From their hilarious banter to their in-depth discussions, this is the podcast you’ve been waiting for. Follow them now and discover why they are the number one geek podcast without a doubt. Subscribe and let the geeking begin!
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Animated intro by. JulesDrawz
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New Merch at the store l
New Merch at the store!
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#thegeekenders #JesseCox #dodger
01:10 – Intros!
04:00 – How Well Would We Do on Hot Ones?
20:00 – Cult of the Fam!
23:00 – Fun Radio Stations
31:00 – ALIENS?
39:00 – WW1 Re-Enactments
50:00 – Let’s Talk Gamescom 2024!
1:19:00 – Is World of Warcraft BACK?
1:40:00 – Outros
I love this podcast/vlog!
Is Jesse's mic peaking?
yooo that little window in the corner is what i wish alot of real tv had.. especially competition shows.. remind me what they did :p
Poor Jaromír Jágr, he tries so hard at hockey and then the YouTube comments section (but it's a guy on a phone) lights him up.
Yay another episode of Dodge n’ Cox
3:26 Fun fact: His name is actually just "Gecko". That's the original premise: people were calling him instead of Geico (because of the similar names), and he was annoyed about it. "Call Geico, not gecko."
Still hoping WoW would just disappear, same with Blizzard…
Awww, poor Jesse. You think the WoW main story was ever good, that's cute. Literally every villain is either insane or corrupted by an old god, that's it. You aren't ever going to find an Emet-Selch type character, a villain you can relate to, in WoW; their writing team just isn't that good.
The videogame show thing, Secret Level, is from the creators of Love, Death & Robots, not just LIKE them. Blur Studio, Tim Miller as showrunner, David Fincher etc. and it's on Netflix
I miss Gex
If you guys wanna get into some Path of Exile 2 discussion before it comes out then i recommend ZiggyD as a guest. Dude is goated in that community and is incredible at communicating his thoughts. Would to see him as an ambassador of the game on Geekenders.
Giant eagle has Carolina Reaper Cheese… I thought the dairy would cut the heat… I swear my butt took 4 days to recover.
Love the random talk❤
Jesse, there's only one thing to do to claim Dodger. Kill Sam… in a duel. He's English. He cannot decline a pistol duel challenge. It's still common law over there. Don't worry about her kid, just put her in an orphanage. It'll be like Oliver Twist. She'll have a blast!
It's funny, cause with WoW, the thing I got curious was the main story line. I know in DT there were some good side stuff, but the overall main story wasn't clicking. And yeah I do agree. Almost every time I hear about WoW, it's like "OMG IT'S THE GREATEST THING EVER" and then when we dive in again about a month later, it's like… the opposite. So I couldn't use it as a reliable source from it.
What I did, instead, was look a few of the cutscenes and try to see and understand if this is something I would like, but it didn't, so might just sit out for now. We know the gameplay is going to be okay at least, so the thing that needs to push the boundary is the RPG part.
Get wrecked the one dude named Yama Yaga listening to this one.
Mad respect on the Narduwar love. I swear Jesse is a secret Canadian.
I've never played WoW myself, but Bellular is big on the overarching lore and seems very positive about War Within so far.
Jesse for what it's worth, and I'm not video creator so I don't have a video on his or anything, I think Dragonflight was fantastic and just below Mists of Pandaria for me. I thought Dragonflight was good at launch and I felt the expansion was good the entire time. I thought the overreacting story was fine, not amazing, some of that being the last patch felt a bit like they were forcing a square peg in a round hole because they seemed to be last minute trying to fix the world tree burning to try and tie up loose ends before TWW. I'd more say that each patch had its own story that roughly connected to each other, but each patch story was good. I know you kind of dismissed the zone storylines, but I really can't stress enough how good the side quests were, probably some of the best the game has ever done. Dragonriding is a triumph. The Niffen were fun, I like the Dracthyr a lot, there's a lot of good stuff this expansion. Some misteps but my overall view of the expansion never changed. I don't agree with the people saying DF's story was bad, it just had some issues here and there.
I think the loudest and most popular voices tend to go overboard with the negativity regarding WoW, and follow that WoW cycle while players like me who might enjoy an expansion the entire time are just randos without a platform for you to see. And certainly BfA and Shadowlands being back to back bad with Shadowlands being bad storywise (so much wasted potential for that setting) and grindwise (the anima grind was ridiculous) has not helped with the negativity. But I promise you players that thought Dragonflight was good and not just during the first week are out there.
Anyway I do hope one day you'll go back and experience dragonflight outside of what content creators are telling you, and I'm hoping that TWW can continue the momentum that DF has started. I hope Metzen and Co can pull off this trilogy arc they are attempting.
you should not have cut anything out of that vid with your parents jesse … that was very naughty
Ben Franklin is also likely responsible for the creating the legend of the Jersey Devil. Very long story short, he started spreading rumors about a British loyalist who was writing a farmer's almanac to rival his own. He essentially accused the man of Devil worship, and over the centuries those rumors persisted and twisted into the legend.
dodger just needs to built her tolerance.
Damn Civ straight up took the stuff from Humankind
People who complain about historical accuracy knows absolutely nothing about history
"And their eyes light up when they get a question noone's asked them before."
Reminds me of Tom Scott interwieving a 100+ year old James Lovelock about his research work with the hamsters.
WoW helped me fall in love with RPGs, but I have to agree it's more about group stuff like raids and dungeons. My favorite part of RPGs are the story and questing and I think there's better MMOs for that like SWTOR or ESO.
1:36:30 this is something that INFURIATES ME with the Halo universe the last several years
You should watch the Sean Evans episode of Last Meals on Mythical Kitchen. It was really great to hear him talk about the show and his own life.
I had one of those ghost pepper spicy chicken noodle soups and it gave me the SPICIEST shits afterwards. Like, thinking that I'm ill-or-something-kinda-shits. I was sweating and gripping the seat as I pleaded for respite. It took hours before the ring of fire had settled
I love that Dodger took her kids to see a live war reenactment and never expected a fake reenactment of live rounds
Wait, conspiracy radio actually exists in the US? I thought that was just a gag in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines… I loved The Deb of Night, and the fact a show like that actually exists… where can I tune in, outside of the US.
jesse and dodger on hot ones would be awesome
you do know wow does have follower dungeons Jesse? sadly not with our warbands yet but follower dungeons nonetheless
19:00 i unironically enjoy the banter XD
I love this pod
Where is Skyrim?
If you guys like Hot Ones I can't recommend Last Meals on Mythical Kitchen enough. Josh does a phenomenal job at interviewing. One of the recent ones he actually interviewed the interviewer himself, Sean Evans of Hot Ones.
Speaking of hotsauces, Vinny Vinesauce has some branded hotsauces now. You should try a bottle Jesse, see what you think.
Yo Cox you do realise how expensive it is to even drive into London, not to mention parking and the eco tax thing London has.
The only real issue is that Jesse's current thoughts on wow are unintentionally disingenuous. the current expansion is just an adventure story exploring a "new world" and just dealing with the dangers that have been found there. it aint that deep and it was intentionally so.
I came back to WoW late last year and dungeons are so fast now. Trying to re-learn how to tank is impossible. Folks expect you to move at a supersonic pace. The few NPC dungeons they've added in make me hopeful I can learn how to tank in a place where I won't get bailed on because I don't already know how to run the dungeon I'm running for the first time.
I hope wow gets really popular again and all the jerks that have invaded FFXIV to play wow
Starting to realize Jese knows nothing about WoW anymore. He's completely detached, which is fine, but he acts like he knows "whats up" and he doesnt.
There has definitely been a marked change in the design philosophy of WoW ever since the Microsoft acquisition started and the Activision executives got sidelined. Obviously Microsoft is still a heartless corporation, and so is every other AAA publisher, but the difference is palpable, and the WoW team has even fully unionized. Focus switched to evergreen improvements to the core game experience (renown, talent trees, warbands, follower dungeons, more cosmetics and customization options, more progression paths, more determinative gearing, etc.), they've committed to a rapid 8 week patch cadence, they've gotten a lot better about listening to and quickly responding to feedback, etc. And then of course Metzen returned and changed the paradigm for narrative design too, now plotting out large scale story beats years in advance so that everything feels more cohesive, or at least hopefully it plays out that way. Dragonflight, as a proof of concept and blueprint for future expansions, I think proves that the design side of the game has fundamentally changed from where it was even four years ago.