30 thoughts on “Getting This Off My Chest – This is a World of Warcraft Channel”
Going to be playing all versions of WoW in the future, including MOP Remix, Cataclysm, The War Within, etc. We want community members here who actually play World of Warcraft. Playing new versions of the game is not "selling out" or "shilling". I'm simply playing the game I enjoy, and will give my opinion on it like always. Anyone thinking otherwise doesn't watch the content and only here to be toxic. Those members are not welcome here. If you're enjoying this content, I suggest coming over and joining us on Twitch, as we play World of Warcraft every day with this mindset of simply "enjoying the game again" : https://www.twitch.tv/alexensual
Going to likely make a follow up video on this about being "stuck in the past". It's something I struggled with years ago and I want to address it head on. World of Warcraft has evolved, and that's totally normal. Being stuck in the past trying to make WoW "the good old days again" isn't healthy and is an extremely toxic mind set this channel will not be accepting as it did in the past, mostly before the pandemic. If you want the "good old days", you can log on to Classic WoW for a weekend and get your fix. This is also why I do not believe modern wow should be "fixed".
A series people keep suggesting to me is, let's take a Classic WoW enjoyer and see how far they can get in retail. I'm pretty sure we will do this. I haven't played retail seriously in a long time, not since Legion, but I used to be a cutting edge raider, also doing some mythic raid content, and I'd like to do that again, possibly even go as high as I can in mythic+.
we had to move on from private cracks long time ago after nostalrius was taken off, many kids copy paste their server and spam fresh cracks online to make some cash thx olex and twitch for moving out of those pirates copy paste cracks!
Love WoW dislike Blizzard's decisions but still hopeful for a Classic Era fresh as that's Peak WoW. Also Project Epoch looks like it will be fun for a while. And the MoP remix looks like it'll be a novelty for a few weeks.
I've been enjoying the positive direction you have gone with your channel. Id still value and like to hear your concerns but I was never a fan of the highly hateful content you done few years ago.
I don't really play wow anymore, but I like to see what ppl that still do thinks about the game and if anything could lead me back on. Following you made me try turtle wow for exemple which I liked for few months
The positive thing is that retail is not addictive and Blizzard will probably nullify all grinding systems in The War Without. However. I don't play games that aren't addictive or destructive to ones social life. In 2006 when I gave up on friends, stopped working etc. you could play with a community online but in 2024 it's like –> keep your RL friends and the game is bad enough so that you won't go all in. Blizzard might as well redo WoW retail into a Battle Royal and make PVP servers that reset once a day where everyone has the same level and a basic set of gear and then do a 24 hour faction war in a 100 % of all zones. A 24 hour PVP server would be fun to watch on Twitch instead of the pointless grind. Retail WoW isn't a bad game per se, it just needs a rehaul, more precisely it needs to get keelhauled
Yeah, Playing WOW you have to be able to change and adapt. They are folks however, Just cannot look past that. I played SOD until p3 and then I dunno. Just seemed like not fun anymore. (For me.) I am back playing retail, Back into doing Heroic/Normal raiding. Ive played WOW since BC. (That was Classic to me.) And I never stopped playing. Looking forward to Mop Remix..Well…I about an hour Ithink. LOL
I still moved back to retail because I missed my mounts. As of DF I'm raiding current content for the first time at last and I'm having the most fun I ever had with WoW. I even love the story which apparently the subreddit seems to hate because they skip all the quest dialogue!
"If you do not play World of Warcraft anymore, then you shouldn't be on this channel" Is it still okay for those of us who don't currently play (and who don't bash and don't spread toxic negativity) to stick around just to observe and learn?
I really like retail at the moment, but I was also invested heavily with Wrath of the Lich King and am continuing that into Cata — also appreciate the positivity
Alex have you ever considered playing on an RP server like Wyrmrest? Its not the cringey moonguard style RP it just harbors a better community plus the RP servers arent sharded.
Ahhh you finally realized that living in anger and hate is not worth it. Love to see your personal growth. I was just like you, hateful, spiteful but I'ts really not worth it.
There we go, this is the Alex that people really want to see. Past is past, time to move on. We are all grown ups here, sometimes it is fun to meme around but at the end of the day most of us are here because we like Alex’s content and we like to play wow. Cheers
People watch streams to entertain themselves. If taking 10 seconds to write a comment shitting on Blizzard entertains them then your stream achieved its purpose.
You read too much into toxic comments, people aren't there to agree with your opinion, they're there to be entertained.
Complaining means wanting it to improve, especially in regards to the current state of Classic with SOD. But its easy to fall into a trap and overdo it.
Its weird to me how people who like TBC/Wrath nag on Cataclysm though.
I used to be like the people you describe here xD I can remember so many times like for example when they changed the Avenging Wrath animation to today's animation I made angry posts on the forums just flaming blizzard because I didn't like the new look and the old animation was too iconic to change and now it's one of my favourite abilities visuals-wise, or when they removed the Hunter arrows or the need to feed your hunter pet, or LFR and so many other things and after some time you just get used to the things you don't like or hell even start enjoying the changes so nowadays I just try to appreciate all the work and effort they put into the game overall and not dwell on little things that I'll most likely just get used to. It's awesome to see that you are trying to enjoy the game again!
I will be glad to see your new takes on all versions of wow. I have been surprised at how much fun I'm having playing the cata pre patch and that is the only thing keeping me from trying retail right now.
Going to be playing all versions of WoW in the future, including MOP Remix, Cataclysm, The War Within, etc. We want community members here who actually play World of Warcraft. Playing new versions of the game is not "selling out" or "shilling". I'm simply playing the game I enjoy, and will give my opinion on it like always. Anyone thinking otherwise doesn't watch the content and only here to be toxic. Those members are not welcome here. If you're enjoying this content, I suggest coming over and joining us on Twitch, as we play World of Warcraft every day with this mindset of simply "enjoying the game again" : https://www.twitch.tv/alexensual
Going to likely make a follow up video on this about being "stuck in the past". It's something I struggled with years ago and I want to address it head on. World of Warcraft has evolved, and that's totally normal. Being stuck in the past trying to make WoW "the good old days again" isn't healthy and is an extremely toxic mind set this channel will not be accepting as it did in the past, mostly before the pandemic. If you want the "good old days", you can log on to Classic WoW for a weekend and get your fix. This is also why I do not believe modern wow should be "fixed".
A series people keep suggesting to me is, let's take a Classic WoW enjoyer and see how far they can get in retail. I'm pretty sure we will do this. I haven't played retail seriously in a long time, not since Legion, but I used to be a cutting edge raider, also doing some mythic raid content, and I'd like to do that again, possibly even go as high as I can in mythic+.
we had to move on from private cracks long time ago
after nostalrius was taken off, many kids copy paste their server and spam fresh cracks online to make some cash
thx olex and twitch for moving out of those pirates copy paste cracks!
Love WoW dislike Blizzard's decisions but still hopeful for a Classic Era fresh as that's Peak WoW. Also Project Epoch looks like it will be fun for a while. And the MoP remix looks like it'll be a novelty for a few weeks.
It’s likely the same people that are triggered by literally everything
There's a difference between living in the past and not having amnesia. Blizzard can lick my balls.
Gaming with the boys in discord. Ranting for hours about wow. Yeah that was us last night
I've been enjoying the positive direction you have gone with your channel. Id still value and like to hear your concerns but I was never a fan of the highly hateful content you done few years ago.
I don't really play wow anymore, but I like to see what ppl that still do thinks about the game and if anything could lead me back on. Following you made me try turtle wow for exemple which I liked for few months
The positive thing is that retail is not addictive and Blizzard will probably nullify all grinding systems in The War Without. However. I don't play games that aren't addictive or destructive to ones social life. In 2006 when I gave up on friends, stopped working etc. you could play with a community online but in 2024 it's like –> keep your RL friends and the game is bad enough so that you won't go all in. Blizzard might as well redo WoW retail into a Battle Royal and make PVP servers that reset once a day where everyone has the same level and a basic set of gear and then do a 24 hour faction war in a 100 % of all zones. A 24 hour PVP server would be fun to watch on Twitch instead of the pointless grind. Retail WoW isn't a bad game per se, it just needs a rehaul, more precisely it needs to get keelhauled
Just curious. I remember years ago you were really pumped about Pantheon. Are you still following that project?
I for example won’t play retail since it’s just not as fun as older versions to me
but! I think you should do and play what makes you happy and
if ppl enjoy retail that’s fine cause you do you in the end xD
ppl judging or being toxic about this is just „smh“
Yeah, Playing WOW you have to be able to change and adapt. They are folks however, Just cannot look past that. I played SOD until p3 and then I dunno. Just seemed like not fun anymore. (For me.) I am back playing retail, Back into doing Heroic/Normal raiding. Ive played WOW since BC. (That was Classic to me.) And I never stopped playing. Looking forward to Mop Remix..Well…I about an hour Ithink. LOL
I've tried SoD, I played Classic at Launch.
I still moved back to retail because I missed my mounts. As of DF I'm raiding current content for the first time at last and I'm having the most fun I ever had with WoW. I even love the story which apparently the subreddit seems to hate because they skip all the quest dialogue!
"If you do not play World of Warcraft anymore, then you shouldn't be on this channel"
Is it still okay for those of us who don't currently play (and who don't bash and don't spread toxic negativity) to stick around just to observe and learn?
I really like retail at the moment, but I was also invested heavily with Wrath of the Lich King and am continuing that into Cata — also appreciate the positivity
Play what you want man sure but for me retail is just a decent single player game not a good mmorpg.
well, you have my support, lets go
i think i heard these exact words like year ago? and then you went haywire again. I hope this time it's different
I don't play anymore (might play some day again) but I like following what's going on in this game by following certain Youtubers like you.
Alex have you ever considered playing on an RP server like Wyrmrest? Its not the cringey moonguard style RP it just harbors a better community plus the RP servers arent sharded.
I love wow
Ahhh you finally realized that living in anger and hate is not worth it. Love to see your personal growth. I was just like you, hateful, spiteful but I'ts really not worth it.
There we go, this is the Alex that people really want to see. Past is past, time to move on. We are all grown ups here, sometimes it is fun to meme around but at the end of the day most of us are here because we like Alex’s content and we like to play wow. Cheers
People watch streams to entertain themselves. If taking 10 seconds to write a comment shitting on Blizzard entertains them then your stream achieved its purpose.
You read too much into toxic comments, people aren't there to agree with your opinion, they're there to be entertained.
Complaining means wanting it to improve, especially in regards to the current state of Classic with SOD. But its easy to fall into a trap and overdo it.
Its weird to me how people who like TBC/Wrath nag on Cataclysm though.
I used to be like the people you describe here xD I can remember so many times like for example when they changed the Avenging Wrath animation to today's animation I made angry posts on the forums just flaming blizzard because I didn't like the new look and the old animation was too iconic to change and now it's one of my favourite abilities visuals-wise, or when they removed the Hunter arrows or the need to feed your hunter pet, or LFR and so many other things and after some time you just get used to the things you don't like or hell even start enjoying the changes so nowadays I just try to appreciate all the work and effort they put into the game overall and not dwell on little things that I'll most likely just get used to. It's awesome to see that you are trying to enjoy the game again!
Happy to see the channel is moving into a more positive direction. Been a viewer (albeit mostly silent) for some time.
I will be glad to see your new takes on all versions of wow. I have been surprised at how much fun I'm having playing the cata pre patch and that is the only thing keeping me from trying retail right now.